
Week of November 12-18

Sunday, November 12, 2017
7 AM Mindful Lifting: The New Pornographers, Twin Cinema
8 AM Mind Eraser Conditioning

Monday, November 13, 2017
Warmup (10 min): Squat Therapy 3×5
Strength/Technique (25 min): Squat
50% x 5, 60 % x 5, 50% x 5 with 3 sec pause, 70% x 3, 60% x 3 with 3 sec pause, 80% x 2
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: Light Cardio
Work Capacity (15 min): AMRAP 8
8 DB Press or DB Bench, light weight
8 DB or BB Rows
5-8 box jumps or stepups
Finisher (10 min): Accumulate 1200m rowing and/or jogging AND 2 min planking
Do it with a partner or two

Tuesday, November 14, 2017–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms

Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Skill (10 min): DB Split Jerk
Strength Circuit (25 min): Press/Push/Bench
1) Set of 5 at 50-65% then :30 hard effort movement
(Choose from: One-Arm KB Swings, Mountain Climbers, Double Unders, Wallballs)
2) :30 Body Saw (Video here)
3) :30 Jumprope or Jumping Jacks
*Level 1 5×5 on lift with items 2 and 3
Conditioning (15 min): 21-15-9-36
KB Swings (53/35)
Goblet Squats
Box Jumps

Thursday, November 16, 2017–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms

Friday, November 17, 2017
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice
Max Effort/Testing (35-50 min): Deadlift One Rep Max
*Practice Meet Standard: Bar must be lowered to ground under control for rep to count
Suggested Workup: 50×5, 60×4, 70×3, 80×2, 90×1, go up under coach’s guidance
*Level 1 5×5 with foam rolling between sets
Optional Finisher: AMRAP 8
20 Walking Overhead Lunges (45/25 lb plate)
15 Banded Pull-aparts
10 Weighted Crunches
Rest as needed between sets

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