
Week of April 21-27

Monday, April 22, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Coach-Led Neural/Mobility Warmup
10 Neck Circles in each direction
10 Shoulder Rolls Forward and Backward
10 Arm Circles in Each Direction
10 Unweighted Goodmornings (Chest Up, Hips Back)
10 Air Squats
10 Broken Tables/Side
10 Fire Hydrants/Side
10 Walking High Knees in Place (5/side)
10 Ankle Circles in each direction
Squat Volume (30 min): Squat 50-65% for sets of 6-8 reps, cap at 6 work sets
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets:
1) Light Cardio 60-90 sec (Run, Row, Bike, Jumprope)
2) Roll Out Upper Back, Lats, and Quads
3) Band Pullaparts, 15-25 reps
*If extra time, roll out upper back and quads
Conditioning (20 min): 3-4 rounds of
Row 500m/Run 400m/Bike 2 min
21 KB Swings (53/35) *Scale Up Ball Slams (50/40)
12 Ring Rows *Scale Up Pullups

Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Warmup (10 min)
: Shoulder Shocker
Chalk Talk (5 min): Bench Press Spotting
Max Effort Strength (25 min): Press/Push Press/Bench Press
50, 60 % x 5, 75% x 3, 90% x 1, singles as coached to max
*Level 1 5×5
Between Set Options: 
1) Wallballs, 7-12 reps
2) Double or Single KB Swings, 5-10 reps
Note: best practice to rest or roll out upper back if you are jonesing to max
Conditioning (20 min): 12 min rounds of
200m run/250m row
5 ring rows *Scale Up Pullups
5 pushups
10 ball slams *Scale up Burpee Ball Slams
10 squats
10 situps
10 KB swings

Friday, April 26, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Cardio Warmup
200-250 m row or run OR 1 min bike
Prowler Push one length
:30-:60 jumping jacks or mountain climbers
Strength/Speed (25 min): Deadlift
40% x 5, then 50-60% for 5 sets of 5
*Level 1 5×5
Crisp Reps, Leg Drive
Between Sets:
1) Prowler Push (180/120)
2) Lateral Hops over yoga block (5/side) or Over the Fence 5/side
3) If time side plank :15/side
Conditioning (25 min): With a partner, accumulate
1 mile run or 1 mile row
800m farmer’s carry (40/20 or 25–sandbags, medballs, wreckbags)
250 yards Prowler push or sled drags (10 lengths total)
*With any extra time accumulate partner planks and write time on board

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