Angel in Blue

Monday, June 15, 2015
Strength: Squat, 10-12 sets of 5 in 20 min
*up 10 lbs or 5%, whichever is less
Supplementary Work: 3×10 of…
Barbell Rows, Goodmornings
1) :30/:30 work/rest KB Swings, :40/:20, :50/:10
2) :30/:30 air squats, :40/:20, :50/:10
3) :30/:30 db snactch, :40/:20, :50/:10

Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Strength: Bench/Press, 10-12 sets of 5 in 20 min
*up 5 lbs or 2-3%, whichever is less
Supplementary Work: 3×10 of…
DB Floor Press or Overhead Press (opp of main lift)
Hatfield Back Raises
Conditioning: 12 minutes of
On :00s, Hang Clean 3x, Push Press 1x, Back Squat 1x
On :30s, 12 KB swings, 6 situps

Friday, June 19, 2015
Strength: Deadlift, 20 reps in 20 minute in sets of 1 or 2
Supplementary Work: Accumulate
30 weighted crunches (25/10), 50 db rdls (light)
Conditioning: Triple Shot
1) Back Squat, light set of 20
2) 3 min AMRAP: 20 KB Swings, 20 situps, 20 air squats
3) Row :45, Jumprope :60, Plank :75

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