Boom Boom Bap

Monday, June 8, 2015
Strength: Squat 50 reps in 20 min
Men 10×5, Ladies 10-12×5
Go up in weight by 10 lbs or 5%, check with trainer at end of session on how squats looked
Work: 5×10 RDLs, Barbell Rows
Conditioning: Prowler
Get after it…6-8 sprints at 90/50
Couple sprints with 1-2 min recovery row or bike

Tuesday, June 9, 2015
Tabata Tuesday: Score is total of lowest rounds
6 rounds: Squat, KB Swings, Burpees/Humane Burpees, Situps

Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Strength: Bench/Press 50 reps in 20 min
Men 10×5, Ladies 10-12×5
Go up in weight by 5 lbs or 3%, check with trainer at end of session on how reps looked
Work: 3 sets of :30 batwings, 10 Hatfield Back Raises (no weight)
Conditioning: 3 rounds of
15 push press, 12 ring rows, 1 sprint to dumpster, :20 max goblet squats
Rest as needed between rounds

Friday, June 11, 2015
Strength: Deadlifts 20 reps in 20 min
Go up in weight by 10 lbs or 5%, check with trainer at end of session on how reps looked
Work: Db Pullovers, 30 reps; McGill Crunches, 30 reps
Conditioning: One Round–20 min cap
800 m run (Whitcomb & Back)
50 air squats, situps, ring rows, kb swings
800m run (Whitcomb & Back)

Saturday, June 12, 2015
Prowler Challenge: 90 on the prowler, 2 trips down and back, done with partner
We will post the best time recorded in the 7-9:15 open gym

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