Friday, January 6, 2017

Warmup (5 min): Quick Line
Strength/Speed Work (25 min): Deadlift
1) Warmup 50, 60% x 5
2) 70% for 8 sets of 3 with 60-120 seconds rest btw sets
Between Sets: Do as supersets
1a) 8-12 Romanian DLs with dumbbells
1b) 10 box jumps, full extension at top
Conditioning (30 min): “Tabata Something Something”
8 rounds of :20/:10 pushups
8 rounds of :20/:10 situps
8 rounds of :20/:10 air squats
*Score is total reps; workout done in two heats, use counter for score
*Rx is full range pushups on toes, situps w/shoulders touching mat and hands touching toes, full squats

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