Heard it From a Friend Who

Monday, September 15, 2014
Warmup (5 min):
21-15-9 (All total reps)
Single Leg Glute Bridges
Fire Hydrants
One-Arm DB Press (light)
Strength (40 min): Squat
50% x 5, 60% x 4, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85, 88, 90% x 1
Backoff: 2×3 @75% pause or box
**Beginners 5×5 working weight & 1-2 sets of 10 @65% working weight
Between Sets: Light and Loaded
Farmer’s Carries
Prowler Push
Conditioning (15 min): 5 rounds for time–go heavy
10 DB Push Presses
15 single-arm DB snatch (total reps)
20 KB swings

Tuesday, September 16, 2014
20/20 Warmup
20-30 minutes: alternate 3 rounds of Cindy (5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats) w/1 round of Helen (400m run, 21 KB swings, 12 pullups)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Warmup (5 min)
: Accumulate
10 light barbell presses, 15 light barbell rows, 20 med ball tosses w.partner
Strength (35 min): Bench
50% x 5, 60% x 4, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85, 88, 90% x 1
Backoff: 1 set of as many reps as possible at 75%
**Beginners 5×5 working weight & 1-2 sets of 10 @65% working weight
Between Sets: 12 goblet squats or double kb squats, 20 second planks, whatever light aerobic
Conditioning (20 min incl setup and cleanup): 10 minutes of
2 barbell cleans @75-85% at top of minute
12 kb swings (heavy) at bottom of minute
**Do with partner; beginners use DB cleans

Thursday, Sept 18, 2014
20/20 warmup work then select aerobic work (bike, row, jog) and do
4 rounds of 4 min light and easy, 1 min hard, and 20 situps

Friday, Sept 19, 2014
Warmup (10 min): Piriformis Stretch, Bracing Work, Good mornings
Strength (40 min): Deadlift
50% x 5, 60% x 4, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 85, 88, 90% x 1
Backoff: 2×3 @80%
**Beginners 5×5 working weight & 1-2 sets of 10 @65% working weight
Between Sets: Light work–roll out, jumprope, bike, keep moving
Conditioning: Tabata This and That
6 rounds of Tabata Pushups alt with Tabata KB swings
*Beginners do 3-4 rounds, resting between rounds of work

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