I Don’t Care What Any Casanova Thinks

Monday, October 13 and Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Strength Work:
1) Bench Press, 5-6 Ascending sets of 5 up to heavy set (80-85% as guideline)
2) Barbell Curls, 3 sets of 10
Movement: Accumulate
3-5 minutes jumprope
5-8 minutes rolling out lower body
Sprint Work: Accumulate
4-8 trips on Prowler (100/70)
4-8 trips with Farmer’s Bars

It is always one step at a time.
It is always one step at a time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Warmup (10 min): 21-15-9 of
Squats, Situps, Supermen then write down workout and set up for cleans
Power (15 min): Power Clean
Work to heavy single
Strength (20 min): Squat
Work to heavy single as close to 90-93% of max as you can get
Work (15 min): With partner or two, 8 minutes
On :00s, Partner A does 2 power cleans at 80% of today’s max, Partner B does 15-20 KB swings
On :30s, Partner B does 2 power cleans at 80% of today’s max, Partner A does 15-20 KB swings


Thursday, October 16, 2014
Accumulate 25-35 min aerobic work (light jog, row, bike, jumprope)

Friday, October 17, 2014
Work (50 min): Stations of
1) Press, sets of 8 at 50-60% of current max
2) KB swings, sets of 7-12, alternate between weight that is heavier than you currently use and weight that is lighter (nothing below 20 lbs)
3) Walking lunges, 5 steps/leg
4) 400m jog (sub 3 min bike or 3 min rolling out upper back, glutes, and hamstrings)
5) DB Clean, sets of 10/arm
6) Broken Tables, 15/side with 2 second pause for rep

*at 25 minutes, stop and grab KB for 45 seconds max KB swings and 15 seconds max goblet squats
*At 50 minutes, stop and grab KB for 15  seconds max KB swings and 25 seconds max goblet squats

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