I’ve Got You, And That’s All I Want

Monday, December 15, 2014
Warmup (10 min)
Skill/Safety (5 min):
Spotting Heavy Sets
Strength (30 min): Squat
Empty, 55, 65, 75 % x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1+
2 of 3: Goblet Squat w/5 sec stretch@bottom, 5 reps; Piriformis Stretch, 30 sec/side; Belly Breathing, 10 breaths
1 of 2: Jumprope 30 seconds, Row 15 seconds
Conditioning (10 min): EMOM 7 minutes
On :00s, 10 one-arm KB swings (5/arm)
On :30s, 5 goblet squats, 5 goat bag swings
Cooldown (5 min): 25 KB goodmornings

Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Challenge Workout:
“All The Single Annies”
40 situps, 80 single unders
30 situps, 60 single unders
20 situps, 40 single unders
10 situps, 20 single unders

Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Warmup (10 min)
Skill/Safety (5 min):
Spotting Heavy Bench
Strength (30 min):
Press/Push Press/Bench
Empty, 55, 65, 75 % x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1+
2 of 3: Batwings 30 seconds; DB Rows with pause at top for 5 seconds, 10 reps; Single Arm Ring Rows, 5/arm
1 of 2: Jumprope 30 seconds, Row 15 seconds
Conditioning (20 min):
1) For time: 21-15-9 pushups, situps, kb swings
2) For time: 50 one-arm db clean and press (25/arm)
3) 5 sets of 5 back or front squats

Thursday, December 18, 2014
Warmup then 3 rounds of 10 min aerobic work
Select between run, row, bike, jumprope mixed w/kb swings

Friday, December 19, 2014
Warmup (10 min)
Strength (30 min):
Empty, 55, 65, 75 % x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1+
1) Roll Out Upper Back, Hamstrings, Quads, Glutes
2) Plank 20 seconds
3) Light row 20 seconds
Conditioning (20 min): Not for time but you are moving quickly
Work with a partner or two4 rounds of: 10 barbell rows, 7 hang cleans, 10 push press, 7 squats (front or back)
Cooldown with 5 minutes rolling out legs

Saturday, December 20, 2014–O lifting 101 grads
Snatch, Clean, and Jerk: Find the highest possible weight on each movement that feels and looks like you could add more.
Don’t add more.  Stop at that weight and do 3 doubles.

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