Makes You Want to Blow the Stars From the Sky

Monday, January 19, 2015 (normal hours)
Warmup (10 min)
Strength (25 min):
Empty x 5, 50% x 5 for 3 sets
Correctives–2 of 3: Deadbugs, 5-8; Face Pulls OR Pullaparts, 20 reps; Some good long strides and squats w/Slingshot
Movements/Footwork–1 of 2: Jumprope 30 seconds; Mountain Climbers 15 seconds
Conditioning (25 minutes): 4 rounds of
1 minute of 5 pushups, 10 situps, 15 squats
1 minute of :40 kb swings, :20 kb goodmornings
1 minute of :20 jumping jacks; :20 mountain climbers; :20 plank
1 minute of burpees/humane burpees
1 minute of rest

Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Challenge Workout #2:
AMRAP 5 minutes (rx #44/#26)
KB Swings/Air Squats/Situps: 10/5/5, 20/10/10, 30/15/15, 40/20/20…score is total reps

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Warmup (10 min)
Strength (25 min):
Bench/Push Press/Press
Empty x 5, 50% x 5 for 3 sets
Correctives–2 of 3: Deadbugs, 5-8; Face Pulls OR Pullaparts, 20 reps; Bulgarian Split Squats (no weight) 3-5/side
Movements/Footwork–1 of 2: Jumprope 30 seconds; Bear Crawl 1 length
Conditioning (25 min): Rounds of…
BB Complex (Deadlift, Row, Clean, Press/Push Press/Squat)@8 reps each movement
One of: 500m row/2 min bike/90 sec jumprope

Thursday, January 22, 2015
Aerobic work: 30 min

Friday, January 23, 2015
Warmup (10 min)
Strength (25 min):
Empty x 5, 50% x 5 for 3 sets
Correctives–2 of 3: Deadbugs, 5-8; Face Pulls OR Pullaparts, 20 reps; Goat Bag Swings, 10 reps
Movements/Footwork–1 of 2: Jumprope 30 seconds; Stepups, 20 seconds
Conditioning (25 min):
8 minute KB “Revolver”: AMRAP 8 min
5 rounds of left arm KB swing, left arm KB clean, left arm KB thruster
5 rounds of right arm KB swing, right arm KB clean, right arm KB thruster

2) 7-10 rounds of 7-12 ring rows, 7-12 pushups, 3-5 Renegade Rows/Arm–not for time

Saturday, January 24, 2015–O Lift 101
20 min to set max Power Snatch (no split or squat)
Push Press 3 x 5-7 reps, ascending wt each set
Front Squat 5 sets of 2 on the minute: light weight, check form

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