There are three things that Facebook’s Memory function can do to you.
First, if you have kids or pets, you think: “I can’t believe they were ever that little.”
Second, you think: “I can’t believe I was ever that young.”
Well, they were and so were you.
The third thing is kind of magic, though. You see something you did, something that once upon a time you’d thought beyond your reach. You took a trip, or ran a race, or joined a gym, or entered a spelling bee. (Do they have grown-up spelling bees?)
And chances are, you’ve progressed from there. You’ve taken more trips, completed more races, maybe even won a spelling bee.
Every memory can be a reminder that we achieve things in steps. You don’t have to conquer the world today, and certainly not in one fell swoop.
But you can take a step. That’s how you get where you’re going, after all.