A Message To The Hesitant: You’re Already Ready

One of the things we hear the most from prospective members is that they were hesitant to try us out because they were scared they wouldn’t measure up–they wouldn’t be fit enough, strong enough, brave enough.

This is, unfortunately, the coin of the realm.   The fitness industry is in many spots a culture of screaming, self-aggrandizement, and boasting.  And that’s just the coaches!  From the outside looking in, it’s not hard to understand why folks might think twice about entering into a culture they perceive as some sort of war of attention.

I am here to tell you there is another way.  At Woodshed, and gyms like ours, we believe that beginner’s mind is the best mind.  Our coaches are not cottage industries or the wagging finger of perfection; they are helpful, kind, deeply knowledgeable individuals who focus their attention on how to make every hour feel like your first, best hour in a new place that you’re going to love.  Our members are just like you; they are professionals with busy lives and personal goals who are looking to leave the gym happier and better than they were when they came in.

It is about getting better one hour at a time.  Sometimes it’s harder; sometimes it’s easier.  Every time it’s worth it.

I can tell you this, though.  The hardest step is the one you take through our door.  That’s the only levelling up you have to do.  Once you do that, the journey has already begun.  Together, we will take care of the rest.

Ready to start?  So are we.  Here’s how.

Schedule your free intro

Talk with a coach about your goals, make a plan to achieve them.

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