Prescriptions I Will Fill You

Sunday, October 4, 2015–8 AM Conditioning Class
“Psychocandy”–30 Min AMRAP
20 pushups
20 ring rows
Rest :30
40 squats
40 single unders
Rest 1 min
800m run
Rest :90

Monday, October 5, 2015
Skill (15 min): Hang Clean, Clean from Below the Knee
Strength (20 min): Squat to set of 8-12 (leave 2 reps in tank)
3-4 warmup sets of 5 to get there
Conditioning (15 min): “Long Island/Super Bowl 3”
7 minutes of
:00s, 5 goblet squats, 1 pushup, 6 kb swings
:30s, 16 single unders, 7 situps

Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Skill Work & Practice (25 min): Split Jerk, practice using doubles
Conditioning (25 min): Tabata This
6 rounds Tabata KB Swings, Rest 1 min
6 rounds Tabata Pushups, Rest 1 min
6 rounds Tabata Situps, Rest 1 min
6 rounds Tabata DB Snatch (switch arms at will), Rest 1 min

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Extended Warmup (15 min): Rounds of
10 squats, situps, glute bridges, ring rows, fire hydrants, pulls on rower
Strength (20 min): Bench or Push Press 5×5 speed work
8 total sets; 10 one-arm kb rows (5/side) and 10 one-handed KB swings btw sets
Conditioning (15 min): SMMF–8 minutes of
:20 one-arm db thrusters
:40 plank
2 minutes of 8 minute stretch must be :60 planks

Thursday, October 8, 2015
Warmup: Alicia’s Animal Walk Kingdom
Conditioning: 30 minutes of work
Run 400m, Row 500m, or Bike 2:00 (good pace)
Bear Crawl Length of Mat/Zombie Walk Length Back
10 Ring Rows (3 second pause at top)
25 jumping jacks
25 kb swings

Friday, October 9, 2015
Skill (10 min): Deficit Deadlifts
Strength (25 min): Work to hard set of 1-3 reps (1 rep in tank)
5-7 sets of 3-5 reps to get there, Roll Out Lower Body btw sets
Conditioning (20 min): “James Paul”–15 min cap
3 rounds of 30 db snatches (35/20), 100 single unders, 12 burpees

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