Sunday, November 20, 2016
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Nirvana In Utero
8 AM FGB (Compare to 9/25/16)
Monday, November 21, 2016
Warmup (15 min): EMOM 10
3 pushups, 4 situps, 5 air squats, roll out or stretch remainder of each min
Speed Circuit (45 min): Rounds of
Squat, 2-3 reps @50%…work speed and power on reps.
5-8 box jumps, try 1-2 with very light weight plate in each hand (1, 2.5)
2 broad jumps, soft landing
Pick partner and hold two kbs in front rack pos while partner rows 250m
:30 kb swings, :30 mountain climbers
:30 situps, :30 pushups
Jumprope/Jacks 1 minute
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
Warmup (10 min): Deadlift, accumulate 10-15 reps @30-40%
Strength (30 min): 5 rounds of
Deadlift, 50% for 5 reps
DB Bench or DB Press/Push Press, 5 reps (use first set to find light/moderate weight)
DB Squats, 8 reps (use first set to find light/moderate weight)
Row 100m
Conditioning (20 min): EMOM 10
:00s Power Clean 2 reps (use range weight), 7 situps, 1 Power Clean
:30s 15 kb swings, 2 pushups
Thanksgiving Morning Tabata Madness
See you at 8 AM. Expect violence over the course of a 60 minute timeframe
Saturday, November 26, 2016
BSJ Challenge Week #3 (13:51)–“Hell in Paradise”
With Partner, 5 rounds of
Overhead hold, 95 lb barbell
15 burpees