The Sports Grimace

One of the things we hear most often from prospective clients is “I couldn’t do the stuff you guys do.”  When we ask them to elaborate, most of the time we actually hear about things they’ve witnessed at other gyms.  Dig a little deeper and we realize they are talking about quarter squats, histrionics, and assorted flailing about.  It’s surprisingly rare we hear from someone who’s watched the CrossFit Games or Olympic Weightlifting and is cowed by success.  Just goes to show…

There was a guy in my high school named Merlin.  Of course that’s not his name.  But Merlin had a pretty awesome nickname, which was his actual nickname, and it was “Sports Grimace.”  Merlin was always wincing.  Hand him a doughnut across the breakfast table and we’d see the shoulder twinge written in zigzag across his forehead; watch him walk across the gym and see the limp suddenly and inexplicably emerge.  “It’s my knee,” he’d say, motioning towards his shin more than his anterior cruciate.

Merlin could’ve thrown 90, except the shoulder.  Merlin would’ve played football, except the knee.  But he had the gear.  And the grimace.  And he never really had to do the boring shit like show up on time, do his rehab, stretch, because he had the storyline already: Sports Grimace is awesome for showing up and failing at things because hey, look at all of the things that are making him Grimace!

If you’re reading this and the idea of joining a gym like ours scares you because you don’t think you can do the things we do…here are some of the things successful people in here actually do:

Show up to class ready to work and write their workouts down
Get enough rest and eat the right foods most of the time
Do the work on the board, repeatedly and sometimes mindlessly
Watch what other folks do and learn from their successes
Succeed far, far, far more often than they fail–success breeds success.

If you’re interested in giving this stuff a shot, hit us up at and ask for your free intro session.  We’re happy to teach you how to be Great instead of a Grimace.  It’s a lot easier than you might think, if you’re willing to be kinda boring about it.

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