The Vacuum Of His Eyes

Monday, January 12, 2015
Warmup (10 min)
Strength (30 min):
Empty, 50, 65, 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1+ (AMRAP)
Correctives: 2 of 3–deadbugs 5-8 reps/side, PVC Overhead Squat, 2-4 deep reps, Face Pulls, 20 reps
Footwork: 1  of 2–Jumprope 20 seconds, Over The Fence, 1 length
Conditioning (10 min): “Hotel Illness”
Grab a dumbbell and a jumprope
7 minutes on the minute: 10 squats (can be goblet style or air squats) , 12 situps
(on the :20s, do 6 single arm clean and press w/db, on the :40s jumprope for 10 seconds)
Cooldown (10 min):
3 rounds of 10 KB Goodmornings, 10 deadbugs, 1 min deep belly breathing on mat

Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Challenge Work:
Squats and Ropes
3 rounds of :15 air squats, :30 jumprope, :15 rest
Then for time, 30 air squats and 100 single unders

Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Warmup/Skill Work (10 min): Single arm Kb clean
Strength (30 min):
Press/Push Press/Bench
Empty, 50, 65, 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1+ (AMRAP)
Correctives: 2 of 3–deadbugs 5-8 reps/side, 10 KB goodmornings, Face Pulls, 20 reps
Footwork: 1  of 2–Jumprope 40 seconds; Bear Crawl 1 length
Conditioning (20 min): Weapons Grade Wednesday
1) 5 minute “Revolver“:
AMRAP 5 min of
5 rounds 1 swing, 1 clean, 1 thruster with left arm
5 rounds 1 swing, 1 clean, 1 thruster with right arm
2) 7-10 rounds of 7-12 pushups, 7-12 ring or rope rows, 2 heavy KB swings
3) 3 min of :20 mountain climbers, 3 reverse kb lunges/leg, 10 flutter kicks/leg

Thursday, January 15, 2015
Aerobic work, 20-25 minutes
Pair with skill work and rolling out lower body

Friday, January 16, 2015
Warmup/Skill Work (10 min):
Strength (30 min):
Empty, 50, 65, 75% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1+ (AMRAP)
Correctives: 2 of 3–deadbugs 5-8 reps/side, Face Pulls, 20 reps, Roll Out 1 min lower body
Conditioning (15 min): 10 min AMRAP
KB Complex: 10 swings, 7 goblet squats, 5 KB RDLs
Row, Bike or Jumprope :30
Cooldown (5 min): Maxwell’s Daily Dozen, 4-7-8 breathing between exercises

Saturday, January 17, 2015–O-lift 101 grads
Power Snatch from Power Pos (High Hang), 5 sets of 2, ascending in weight.  Pull high!
Clean, 7 x 1-1 @70-75% from Knee and Below Knee
Front Squat, 3×3-5@110% clean

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