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Sunday, February 24, 2019
7 AM Mindful Lifting
8 AM Conditioning Class (From July 2015)
*“Poke the Bear”
1) 1000m row
2) 30 bear complexes (95/65)
Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press
3) 1000m row
*”Sparky’s Dream (July 2015)
For time (12-15 min cap)–7 rounds of
10 two handed kb swing
5 one handed kb clean & press, each arm
10 situp w/twist to each side (elbows touching knees)
5 one handed kb swing, each arm

Monday, February 25, 2019 (from Feb 2014)
Warmup (10 min):
Blackburns and No-Moneys/Coach’s choice shoulder
Strength (30 min):
Bench,Press or Push Press, work to heavy set of 5 (6-8 total sets) *Level 1 5×5
Task work (between sets):
50-100 pullaparts
1-3 minutes of bat wings (on bench–use partner to count time)
50-100 kb swings
1-3 minutes rolling out upper back and lats (use partner to count time)
Conditioning (20 min) From April 2010:
15-12-6 of
Back Squats (135/95/65)
Situps *Level 1 :15 plank each tme
Burpees *Level 1 5-8 pushups

Tuesday, February 26, 2019 (from Feb 2014)
Strength Accessory: 5×12
Barbell/DB Rows
DB Floor Press
KB Goodmornings
Air Squats
At end of each round carry kbs two lengths of turf
Roadwork/Circuit: 15-20 min of
2-3 min bike/row/jumprope
3×10 fire hydrants/leg, single-leg glute bridges/side, situps

Wednesday, February 27, 2019 (from Sept 2012)
Warmup (10 min):
Strength (30 min): 
40% (or closest to 135/95/65) x 5
50, 65, 75% x 5, 85% x 1+
*Level 1 5×5
Conditioning (20 min): From Sept 2012 & April 2010
1) “The Descent”
With partner, alternate DB Thrusters (35/20) & Burpees, from 7-1 (Level 1 sub Goblet Squats and Pushups)
2) With a partner, complete
a) Prowler Push down & back while Partner does Box Jumps or Stepups
b) 25 Wallballs while partner holds plank
c) Row 150m while partner does air squats

Thursday, February 28, 2019 (from December 2012)
With a partner, accumulate
100 medball situps
500 Single Unders
100 Sandbag Clean and Squat
50 Weighted Walking Lunges
1000m row
50 Stepups
50 KB Swings

Friday, March 1, 2019 (from May 2013)
Warmup (10 min): Simple Seven x 2
Strength (25 min): Squat, 40-45 reps in 20 min @50-55% training max *Level 1 5×5
Use any downtime between sets or after reps completed to roll out or do light cardio
Conditioning (25 min):
Skill work on Power Clear w.PVC Pipes/Light BB then
“Power Betty” (March 2009, Dec 2016)–do with a partner if you like!!!
21-15-9 for time
Power Clean (135/95) *Scale up 165/115
*Level 1 version: 3 rounds of 20 KB Swings, 7 pushups, 7 ring rows


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