Time To Play The Game

This week’s work.  We are going to reset our #s a bit…if you hit a heavy squat on Friday, take 65% of that (men) or 75% of that (women) and begin with that number as your working weight.  For your bench, press, and deadlift (and squat if you did not work to a heavy single this week), drop your existing working weight (the weight you have been doing sets with) by 10%.

Monday, June 1, 2015
Strength: Squat
Warmup, 10 minutes, sets of 5 working towards work weight
Work: 50 reps in 20 min, doing 10 sets of 5
(Note: women can aim for 60 reps if time within the 20 permits)
Not For Time: 5×10
Barbell Rows
RDLs or Goodmornings
Conditioning: Tabatas (6 rounds each)
Med ball ground to shoulder (60/40/20)
KB Swings
Sandbag clean and press
Air squats
*Score is total reps

Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Strength: Bench OR Press
Warmup, 10 minutes, sets of 5 working towards work weight
Work: 50 reps in 20 min, doing 10 sets of 5
Not For Time:  Accumulate
10o Pullaparts or Face Pulls
50 DB Curls
Conditioning: 7 min on the min
On the :00s, Push Press x 7 (use 70% press max or 85% press working weight)
On the :30s, 10 KB Swings, 3 reverse KB lunges/leg
Ab Work: 2 minute plank
*or as much of the 2 minutes as you can get in increments

Friday, June 5, 2015
Strength: Deadlift
Warmup, 10 minutes, sets of 5 working towards work weight
Work: 20 reps in 20 min, doing 20 sets of 1 OR 10 sets of 2
Not For Time:
20 db or kb pause squats (3 second pause…have someone count for you)
30 crunches
Conditioning: 2-4 rounds of
1) Row 100m
2) Sprint to dumpster
3) Max air squats 20 seconds
4) Max KB swings 30 seconds

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