Week of April 9-15

Monday, April 9, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Squat and Squeeze–3 rounds of
Slow goblet squats 8-12 reps
Banded Hamstring Curls (Video here) 12-15 reps
Strength (30 min): Front Squat or Safety Squat
Work to 3 sets of 8-12 @70-75% of your heavy double last week.
*If you did not find one, work to heavy double this week and write that # down
*Level 1 5×5 Back Squat
Between Sets: Get OUTSIDE!
Farmer’s Carry, Jog, Med Ball Carry (2nd pole and back)
Conditioning (20 min): 5 rounds of
7 Half-Kneeling DB Press/Side (Video Here)
Max KB Swings 1 minute *Level 1 :30 swings, :30 plank
7 Reverse KB Lunges/Side *Level 1 7 goblet squats
Max Mountain Climbers :30

Tuesday, April 10, 2018 6:30 ARC and Open Gyms

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice–Shoulder Focus
Speed Strength (35 min): Complete 5 rounds of
A1) Bench/Push/Press 55-65% x 3 reps *Level 1 5×5
A2) Strict or Banded Pullups 3-8 reps *Level 1 10-15 ring rows
Then 5 rounds of
B1) Barbell or DB Rows, 7-10 reps
B2) Underhand Band Pullaparts, 12-18 reps
Conditioning (15 min): Alternating Tabata
8 rounds KB Swings/Air Squats
*Level 1 4 rounds KB Swings/Plank, 4 rounds Air Squats/Bike or Row

Thursday, April 12, 2018 6:30 ARC and Open Gyms

Friday, April 13, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 7-1
PVC Overhead Squat, Situps, Ring Rows
Dynamic Effort (25 min): Deadlift
7-10 rounds of 2-3 reps @40-50%
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: 
1) 3-5 box jumps
2) 5-10 one-arm KB Swings/side
Conditioning (20 min): “Perfume V”
With a running clock do…
75 Double DB Squats *Level 1 50 Goblet Squats
75 Pushups *Level 1 45 Pushups OR Ring Rows
At the beginning of every minute do 5 abmat situps
Cooldown (5 min):
Jog or Row 400m

Saturday, April 14, 2018
Open Gym 7-9 AM

Sunday, April 15, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Rancid
8 AM CrossFit Class
Partner Skill Work (PVC, OHS, Snatch)
“Grace” 30 Clean and Jerk for time (135/95)

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