
Week of August 19-25, 2018

Sunday, August 19, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Blue Oyster Cult, Secret Treaties
8 AM CrossFit Class–Fight Gone Bad V 2.0!! (keep score, we will do this again in October/November)

Monday, August 20, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic w/Lower Body Focus
Strength (30 min): Squat
50, 60, 65, 75, 80% x 5, 65-70 % x 5-10 (spotters)
*Level 1 1-2 warmups then 5×5
Between Sets:
1) Battle Ropes :30-:45 OR Row 150,m
2) Med Ball or Sandbag Over Shoulder Max Reps :20-:30
Conditioning (15 min): Athletic Focus–EMOM 8
:00s DB Push Press, 5-8 reps (30-45/15-30) *Level 1 5-8 pushups
:30s :20 single or double unders–work speed *Level 1 :15 row or airdyne
Cashout (5 min): World’s Greatest Stretch–Final Position

Spend 3-4 rounds of 10 seconds in each position, each side

Wednesday, August 22, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 3-5 rounds of
3 Prone YWTs, 5 second hold/letter
100m row or :15 bike
7-10 ring rows w/2 second hold at top
Strength (30 min): Bench/Push/Press
50, 60, 65, 75, 80% x 5, 50% x 8-15 reps
*Level 1 1-2 warmups 5×5
Between Sets:
1) 5 prying goblet squats, 3-5 seconds/position
2) 15 Broken Table/Side
Conditioning (20 min): Benchmark–“Helen of Troy”
3 rounds for time
12 DB Thrusters (35/20) *Level 1 Goblet Squats
21 KB Swings (53/35) *Level 1 (44-53/20-35)
20 burpees *Level 1 15 Humane Burpees

Friday, August 24, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice
Strength (35 min): Deadlift 50, 60, 65, 75, 80% x 5, 70% x 3
*Level 1 1-2 warmups then 5×5
Between Sets:
1) 5-8 LIGHT overhead squats (PVC to 15/33 lbs)–practice
2) :90 cardio (row, bike, run)
Conditioning (15 min): Athletic Focus–Carries and Jumps
2-3 rounds of
Heavy Carry 200-400m (sandbags: 25-100 lbs, medballs 20-40 lbs)–PUSH!
7-12 box jumps or tall stepups

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