Week of January 1-6, 2018

Monday, January 1, 2018–Special 10 AM Bonus
Fight Gone Bad!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018–6:30 ARC/Uncoached Open; Open 7-8, 930-1030, 12-1. 530-7

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Shoulder Shocker (Cubans, Lat Raises, Plate Raises)
Skill/Strength (10 min): Back Squat Unrack, Brace, and Drive out of bottom
Accumulate 10-20 reps
Upper Body Push (20 min): Bench or Press/Push Press
*Meet Athletes: do 3 sets of 3 reps at 50-60%
*Gen Pop: 50×5, 60×4, 70×3, 80×2-6
*L1 5×5
Between sets: Accumulate 100-150 facepulls or band pullaparts
Accessory/Conditioning (20 min): 3-5 rounds of
10 db curls
20 plank shoulder taps (vid here) *L1 do w/hands on box or bench
:30 row or bike, moderate to difficult pace
:40 air squats alternating w/box jumps or step ups (e.g 3 squats, 3 box jumps)
*Meet Athletes should perform light cardio on bike or rower for 10-15 minutes and roll out

Thursday, January 4, 2018–6:30 ARC/Uncoached Open; Open 7-8, 930-1030, 12-1. 530-7

Friday, January 5, 2018–no evening Open Hours
*Meet athletes should not attend regular class
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic warmup with a large serving of animal walks
Speed Strength (25 min): Deadlift–Choose 1 of 3 options:
Band-resisted deadlifts, 5 sets of 5-8 using no more than 50% of your max
Conventional deadlifts, accumulate 20-25 reps in sets of 2 or 3.   Easy, violent reps
Sumo deadlifts, accumulate 20-25 reps in sets of 2 or 3.   Easy, violent reps
*L1 5×5
Between Sets if desired: Accumulate
1) 20-30 wallballs to high spot or rig
2) 50-65 kb swings
Conditioning (25 min): 21-15-9 of
DB Bear Complex from Hang Position (35-55/20-35)–vid here
Situps Holding one DB
*L1 eliminate second squat and press from complex and select moderate weight, no DB on situps
Cashout (remaining time): Accumulate 3 min light cardio with nasal breathing

**Friday, January 5, 2018–Woodshed Cares Meet 6 PM
If you are competing and haven’t already done this, please go to
And register with a donation (suggested min is $25)

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