Week Of June 24-30

Sunday, June 24, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Stevie Wonder, Songs in the Key of Life
8 AM CF Class, “Dori”

Monday, June 25, 2018
Warmup (10 min): EMOM 7
7 KB Swings, 7 air squats, 7 frog pumps
Skill/Demo (5 min): Pause Squats
Strength (20 min): Pause Squats
40%, 50% x 5 (no pause), 60-65% for 3-5 sets of 3 w/2 second pause (use a counter)
*Level 1 5×5
Conditioning (20 min): “James Paul”–3 rounds for time
15 burpees *Level 1 Humane Burpees
30 db snatch (35/20) *Level 1 DB Cleans
100 Single Unders *Scale Up 35 doubles
Finisher (5 min): 
35-50 band pushdowns (red or blue)
35-50 glute bridges (15 lb plate or 25 lb wreck bag)

Tuesday, June 26, 2018–6:30 ARC and Open Gym

Wednesday, June 27, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Shoulder Shocker 3×10
Skill (10 min): PVC/Light Weight Muscle Snatch from just below knee
Strength/Heavy Work (25 min): Bench/Press/Push Press
50×5, 60×4, 70×3, 80×2, 90×1-3
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: Conditioning Work
:60-:90 fast pace run, row, or jumprope
Conditioning (15 min): 6 rounds of
:20 air squats, :10 rest
:20 kb swings, :10 rest
:20 situps, :10 rest

Thursday, June 28, 2018–6:30 ARC and Open Gym

Friday, June 29, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic Work
Skill/Demo (5 min): PVC/Light Barbell Goodmorning
Dynamic Work (30 min): Rounds of
HINGE: 3-5 deadlifts @30-40% OR Barbell Goodmornings @95/65
*Level 1 5×5 deads
PUSH: 5-8 one arm db press/side from split stance
PULL: 10-15 Horizontal Band Rows (Red or Blue)
SQUAT: 3-8 sandbag or med ball squats (25-40 lbs)
CARDIO: Sprint in grass or :10 hard row
Conditioning (15 min): “Double Trouble”
2-3 rounds of
400m run or 500m row
:30 max DB Thrusters (25-45/15-25)

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