Sunday, June 3, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting,
8 AM CrossFit Class: The Good, The Bad, and The Felony
Monday, June 4, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 30-20-10 (total reps)
One-arm KB swings (light), Fire Hydrants, Frog Pumps
Strength (25 min): Sumo Deadlift
4 Ascending sets of 5, then last two sets Max Reps minus 1-2 reps
(Add weight each set, last set should be leave only 1-2 reps in tank…rest 3-5 min between two max sets
*Level 1 5×5 Deadlift
Conditioning (20 min): “Helen Plus”–12 min AMRAP
400m run, 500m row, or 2 min bike
21 KB Swings
12 Pullups or Ring Rows
Cashout (5 min): Band Hundred Plus
1) 50-100 Face Pulls plus Pullapart
2) 50-100 Band Pushdown
3) 50-100 Air Squats
Tuesday, June 5, 2018–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms
Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic or Outdoor w/Upper Body Focus
Skill and Practice (10 min): Hang Muscle Snatch–PVC and Light Barbell
Speed Strength (25 min): 7-10 rounds of
1) Unstable Press or Bench Press
2-3 reps using 30-40% max w/kettlebells
*Level 1 5×5 not being an unstable lunatic
2) 7-10 shoulder taps/side OR 3-6 ring rows
3) 3-5 VERY LIGHT (5-20 lb db) Arnold Presses
Conditioning (15 min): 13-1 Ladder
KB Swings
Burpees *Level 1 Alternate Pushups, Situps, and Goblet Squats
Thursday, June 7, 2018–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms
Friday, June 8, 2018
Warmup (15 min): 3×10 Broken Table/Side, KB Swings, Situps then
10×3 Ball Slams, Box Jumps or Step-ups, Wallballs (to Wall or Rig)
Repetition Strength (25 min): After 5 min warmup do
30-40 Squats in 20 min
Use 40-60% of max in sets of 5…these should feel pretty light
*Level 1 5×5
Added Conditioning Effect: Between Sets
1) :30-:45 row or bike
2) 10-15 Band Pulldowns
Conditioning (15 min): 3 rounds
:30 One-Arm DB Snatch (30-45/15-25) or DB Clean, alternating arms
:60 double or single unders
:30 pushups OR plank
:60 kb swings