Sunday, May 1
7 AM Mindful Lifting–Isaac Hayes, Soundtrack to “Shaft”
8 AM Conditioning Class: Extended Warmup, BB Thruster
“Nurse Jackie” (1000m row, 50 reps @ 45 lb bb thruster, 30 ring rows, 30 situps)
Monday, May 2
Warmup (10 min): Simple 7, 3 sets
Extended Warmup (10 min): Empty bar, light weight (under 50%) sets of 5
Strength (20 min): Squat
5-8 sets of 5 reps @50-60% of your recent max or thereabouts–the goal here is to sweat and perform outstanding reps. As you fatigue slightly, form will break down slightly and we will coach you on that. Start with a lighter weight than you think you need to. This is a technique-building cycle.
Between Sets: Trilogy, 50 reps total
(Select from Push, Pull, and Core boards)
Conditioning (20 min): For time–5 rounds
40 kb swings, 20 situps, 10 pushups
Wednesday, May 4
Warmup/Mobility/Skill (20 min):
1) Line Warmup–Dynamic
2) Shoulder Circuit 2×10 (Y Handcuffs, Face Pulls, Pullaparts)
3) Push Press–skill work with PVC pipes
Strength (20 min): Push Press, Press, or Bench
If Push Press, work to one rep max as test
If Press or Bench, 5-8 sets of 5 reps @50-60% of your recent max or thereabouts–the goal here is to sweat and perform outstanding reps. As you fatigue slightly, form will break down slightly and we will coach you on that. Start with a lighter weight than you think you need to. This is a technique-building cycle.
Between Sets: Trilogy, 50 reps total
(Select from Push, Pull, and Core boards)
Conditioning (20 min): EMOM 10 min
:00s, 15 kb swings, finish :30 with air squats
:30s, plank
Optional Finisher: 2-3 sprints, 75 meter on row
Friday, May 6
Warmup/Skill (20 min):
1) 15 minute hang clean practice, 2-3 reps at a time, light weight
2) 5 minute, demo DB snatch for conditioning
Strength (20 min): Deadlift
7-12 sets of 2 reps @50-60% of your recent max or thereabouts–the goal here is to sweat and perform outstanding reps. As you fatigue slightly, form will break down slightly and we will coach you on that. Start with a lighter weight than you think you need to. This is a technique-building cycle.
Between Sets: Trilogy, 50 reps total
(Select from Push, Pull, and Core boards)
Conditioning (20 min): “James Paul”
3 rounds for time–12 minute cap
15 burpees (Health: humane burpees)
30 db snatch (Health: db cleans)
100 single unders
Optional Finisher: 1 minute max situps