Monday, November 6, 2017–Back to Basics Day
Warmup (10 min): Squat Therapy 3×5
Strength/Technique (30 min): Squat
40, 50, 60, 65, 65% x 5, 50 % x 8-12
Work Depth and Power out of the bottom
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: Pick 2 exercises from below each time
Wallballs (20/14), 5-8 reps
Fire Hydrants, 5-8/side
KB Swings, 10-15 reps
Situps, 7-12 reps
Partner Work (20 min): Pick a partner or two and for 12-15 minutes alternate
Round of easy work (Choices: 400m jog, 45-75 seconds jumprope, easy pace 20-35 kb swings) with
Round of hard work (Choices: 15-20 db thrusters, 10-15 burpees, 7-12 heavy ball slams–60 or 40)
*For hard work Level 1 sub 8-12 goblet squats for db thrusters and 8-12 full ROM pushups for burpees)
Tuesday, November 7, 2017–6:30 ARC and Open Gyms
3 x 2 (2 Rds) Jump Rope – 1:45/Crunches/Ball Slams/Battle Ropes/Bike – 1:45/Plank/Squat with Kick/Sit Ups/Rower – 1:45/Knee to Elbow Crunches/Mountain Climbers/Step Ups
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Warmup (10 min): Reverse Hyper Demo (vid here)
DB Max Effort Work (25 min): DB Press/Push Press/Bench Press
Warmup: 5-6 sets of 8, starting light and adding weight each time if able
Work: Using heavyish weight, max reps in :30, rest :60-:75, then max reps in :30 again
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: Accumulate 30-60 reps reverse hyper (Weight unimportant)
(No really, weight is unimportant)
Conditioning (25 min): “Kelly vs. Brenda”
5 rounds of
400m run OR 500m row
30 wallballs (to wall or rig) OR 30 db thrusters (35/20) *Level 1 12-15 goblet squats
30 box jumps OR stepups
*Level 1 chill with the pace, 3-4 rounds
Thursday, November 9, 2017–6:30 ARC and Open Gym
IN AND OUT Plank/Box Jumps/Battle Ropes/Ball Slams/Side Planks/Jump Rope,Bike,Row – 1:45/Sit Ups/Jump Rope,Bike,Row – 1:45/Crunches/Jump Rope,Bike,Row – 1:45/Alternating Glute Bridges/Mountain Climbers/Ball Slams/Broad Jumps/Glute Raises/Jump Rope,Bike,Row – 1:45/Flutter Kicks/Jump Rope,Bike,Row – 1:45/The Hundred/Jump Rope,Bike,Row – 1:45/Deadbugs/DB Farmer Carry/Sling Shot Shuffle or Squat w.Kick/Broken Tables
Friday, November 10, 2017
Warmup (5 min): Coach’s Choice
Skill Work (15 min): DB and KB Snatches, Demo and Practice
Speed Strength (20 min): Rounds of
Band Assisted Deadlift, 3-5 reps using 40-50% max
15-25 kb swings
Parking lot sprint
*Level 1 5×5
Conditioning (20 min): “Paul James”
300 single unders *RX Plus 100 doubles
60 db snatches (30/side) at 53/35
50 burpees
*Level 1 150 single unders or jumping jacks, DB cleans, 25 humane burpees