Monday, February 3, 2020
Warmup (10 min): 21-15-9
Box Squats w/Plate, Glute Bridges, KB Swings
Strength (25 min): 6 rounds @3-3:30/rd
a) Box Squat 45, 45, 50, 50, 55, 55 % x 3-5 reps
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
b) One-Arm Farmer’s Bar Carry Length Turf & Back
c) 7-12 Ball Slams
Conditioning (25 min incl setup and cleanup): 15 min cap
15 Ring Rows or Pullups
10 Deadlifts @30% *Level 1 KB Deads
20 Goblet Squats
10 Deadlifts @35% *Level 1 KB Deads
25 KB Swings
10 Deadlifts @40% *Level 1 KB Deads
30 Calories Row OR 30 Burpees Over Bar
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Warmup (10 min): 3×20
Band Pullaparts, V Light DB Press or Floor Press, Glute Bridges
Skill/Power (20 min): 6 rounds @2:30-3/rd
a) DB Hang Clean, 3-5 reps ascending weight as able
b) Box Jumps or Stepups, :20-:30 work
Abs & Arms (10 min): 3×15
Band Pushdowns
Shoulder Taps/Side
Sleds & Squats (20 min): 4-5 rounds
Prowler Push :30-:40 (140-190/90-140)
Barbell Squat 30-40% max for 5-8 reps
Sled Drag Mat :30-:40 (180/120)
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Warmup (15 min): 3-5 rounds
10 Med Ball Situps w.partner
20 Seconds Plate Raises while partner does pullaparts, switch
30 Seconds Plank while partner does KB Swings, switch
Strength/Skill (30 min):
10 min Leg Drive Reminder and Practice w.Empty Bar sets of 5 then
6-8 rounds
a) Bench/Push/Press 40-60% x 2-3
*Level 1 Warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
b) 1-1:30 light cardio
Conditioner (15 min): 2 rounds for time, 8 min Cap
Fitness: 30 Ball Slams, 40 Calories Row
Performance: 20 DB Thrusters (30-40/15-25), 40 KB Swings
Sport: 20 Thrusters (95/65), 40 Double Unders
Thursday, Febrauary 6, 2020
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Hypertrophy/Skill (20 min): 8 rounds @1:30-2 min/rd
DB Rows, 8 reps
Wreckbag Glute Bridge, 8 reps
Pushups (Floor, Bar, Wall), 8 reps
Jumprope Practice :20-:30
Conditioning (30 min): 5 rounds @4 min/rd
Row or Bike 2 min @8 RPE, Rest :15
Ball Slams OR KB Swings, :30, Rest :15
Box Jumps OR Stepups, :30, Rest :30
Friday, February 7, 2020
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Strength/Speed (25 min): 6 rounds @3-3:30.rd
a) Band-Resisted Deadlift, 30-40%% plus band x 2-4 reps
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight no band
b) Prowler Sprint OR :10 Airdyne/Row Sprint
c) Heavy Slam Ball Throw on Mats
Conditioning (25 min): 15 min work
Tire Flips 2-4 reps w/partner or two
Half-Kneeling Landmine Press, 5-8/side
Monster Walk Length Mats
Row 1 min while partner does KB Swings, Switch