Week of February 9-15

Monday, February 10, 2020
Warmup (15 min): 3-4 rounds
10 box squats w/plate, 7 Ball Slams while partner planks & switch, 10 band pullthroughs
Strength/Skill (25 min): 6 rounds @3-3:30/rd
a) Box Squat 45, 45, 50, 50, 55, 60% x 4-6 reps
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5
b) Russian Twist, 7-12/side w/5-15 lb plate
c) Prowler or Sled Walk Down & Back (140-180/90-140)
Conditioning (20 min): 7 min AMRAP
Fitness: 10 DB Cleans/Side, 15 Air Squats, 20 KB Swings
Performance: 10 DB Snatch/Side, 20 Air Squats, 25 KB Swings
Sport: 10 DB Snatch/Side (35-40/20-25), 15 Goblets, 25 KB OH Swings

Tuesday, February 11, 2020
Warmup (10 min): 2 rounds
2-3 min bike/row, 8-15 Ring Rows, :30 jumprope or stepup work
Skill/Power (25 min): Hang Clean
Take 20 minutes to work up to heavy single on hang clean
*Light cardio 1-1:30 between sets as desired or able
Conditioning/Mobility (25 min): 5 rounds @3:30-4/rd
2 min row or bike, :20-:30 cat/camel
1 min prowler or sled, :20-:30 broken tables

Wednesday, February 12, 2020
Warmup (10 min): Shoulder Shocker 3×10
Max Effort (30 min): Bench/Push/Press
50% x 5, 65% x 3-4, 75% x 2-3, 85% x 1-2, 95% x 1, PR attempt
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
*Between set help change plates, roll out upper backs
Conditioning (20 min): 8 min EMOM
:00s 7-10 air squats, 3-5 lunges/side *Scale up Goblets
:30s 8-12 KB Swings, :5-:10 plank

Thursday, February 13, 2020
Warmup (15 min): 3-4 rounds
7-12 Box Jumps or Stepups, :90 bike/row, :20 samson stretch/side
Benchmark Conditioner (25 min): 3 rounds
500m row
12 Deadlifts @40% max
21 Box Jumps (24/20)
Abs and Arms (10 min): 3 rounds
10 DB Hammer Curls, :30-:45 light weight plank
Finisher (10 min): 2-4 Prowler Sprints

Friday, February 14, 2020–Happy Valentine’s Day
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Feel The Love Partner Strength (25 min): 6 rounds @2:30-3/rd
a) Deadlift 40-60% for sets of 5 while Partner does shoulder taps
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
b) 5-8 Ball Slams while Partner does Box Squats w/plate
Feel The Love Partner Work (25 min):
1) “The Descent”
With partner or two, alternate DB Thrusters (35/20) & Burpees, from 7-1
(Level 1 sub KB Deadlifts and Pushups)
2) With a partner or two, complete
a) Prowler Push down & back while Partner does Box Jumps or Stepups
b) 25 Wallballs while partner holds plank
c) Row 150m while partner does air squats

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