Monday, January 20, 2020–Regular Hours
Warmup (15 min): 3 rounds
Box Squat w/Plate, 5-8 reps
KB Deadlifts (use goblet weight), 5-8 reps
Banded Overhead Squats, 5-8 reps
1 min row/bike
Strength (25 min): 6 rounds @3-3:30/rd
a) Box Squat 40, 40, 45, 45, 50, 55 for 3-5 reps
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
b) Ball Slams, 7-12 reps w/challenging weight
c) Roll Out Upper Back :30-:45
Conditioning (20 min): 3 rounds/12 min cap
Fitness: 15 KB Swings, 2 min bike @8 RPE, 12 Band Pullthroughs
Performance: 20 KB Swings, 1:30 bike/row, 7-15 Box Jumps/Stepups
Sport: 12 Deadlifts @30-40% max, 400m row, 15 Burpees over Bar
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Strength Circuit (25 min): 5 rounds @3:30-4 min/rd
a) Barbell Hip Thrusts, 8-12 reps @30-40% deadlift
b) 7-12 Landmine Rows (45/25/15 on bars)
c) One-Arm KB Farmer’s Carry down & back turf
d) Half-Kneeling DB Press, 5-8/side @light weight
Conditioning (25 min): 4 rounds
2 min row or bike, :30 jumprope or stepup practice, :30 rest
1 Prowler Sprint (140/90), :30 plank or broken tables
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Warmup (10 min): Shoulder Shocker 3×10 reps
Strength (20 min): 6 rounds @2:30-3/rd
Bench/Press/Push Press 50, 60, 70% x 5, 80% x 3, 85-90% x 1-3 x 2
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
*Use time between to rest & help change plates and spot
Conditioning (25 min): 5 rounds @:30-:40 work/:20-:30 transition
KB Swings
Slamball/Med Ball Up and Over Bar
Box Jumps/Stepups
Mobility (5 min): Cat/Camel
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Warmup (15 min): 4 rounds
12 Pullaparts, 15 Glute Bridges, 12 Ring Rows, 15 Glute Bridges
Power (20 min): 5 rounds @2:30-3 min/rd
a) Hang Clean, 2-4 reps at technique load (moderate weight)
b) Med Ball Rotational Throw @Wall, 3-6/side (6-14 lb ball)
Conditioning (15 min): 6 rounds Alternating Tabata
Form Check then
Goblet Squats/KB Swings @9 RPE
Cooldown (10 min): Accumulate 4 Prowler Walks or Sled Drags
Friday, January 24, 2020
Warmup (10 min): Simple Seven x 2
Each round do 15 of 3 of the movements
Strength (25 min): 6 rounds @3-3:30/rd
a) Deadlift 40, 50, 60, 40, 50, 60 % x 2-4 reps–crisp, speed
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
b) Partner Max Cal Row :30 while other partner planks, switch
c) 7-12 Single Leg Glute Bridges/side if time
Conditioning/Work (25 min): Rounds of
Tire Flips, 3-5 per person/team on turf
Barbell Cleans, 3-6 reps (135/95/65/45)
*DB or Wreckbag Sub Fine
:30 Max Wallballs or Ballslams
7-12 Landmine Rows (45/25/15 on bar)