
Week of March 13-19

**Returning and new movements (Power snatch, KB Arm Bars, Band Rotations, Med Ball Chops, DB Floor Press) are linked to videos below!

Sunday, March 13–8 AM Conditioning Class
1) Power Snatch Practice
2) Open 16.3; we will prescribe a mixed version for folks who don’t have bar muscle ups:
7 min AMRAP
10 power snatch (75/55–lighter is fine but scaled weights will honestly be too light for most)
5 ring rows, 5 pushups (better sub for the push and pull of a muscle-up)

Monday, March 14
Warmup (15 min): Squat Therapy x 10 alternated with 2 sets of 2-3 hang cleans
Circuit/Deload (45 min): 
1) Squat 5 reps @50%
2) Half-Kneeling DB Press, 5/side
3) KB Swings x 12, KB GMs x 5
4) DB Rows, 5/arm
5) Situps, 8-12 reps
6) Russian Twists, 5-8/side
7) Row hard 30-45 seconds

Wednesday, March 16
Warmup (15 min): KB Arm bar reminder then
3-5 KB arm bars/side
12-20 band pullaparts
5-8 ring rows
Circuit/Deload (45 min):
1) Bench or Press, 5 reps @50%
2) DB RDLs, 7-12 reps
3) Wallballs to Rig, 5-8 reps
4) Blackburn (IYT), 10 each letter
5) Wreck bag crunches, 5-8 reps
6) Band rotations, 10/side
7) Max KB Swings, 30 seconds

Friday, March 18
Warmup (15 min):
Row 100m
7-12 broken table/side
15-30 second plank
Circuit (45 min):
1) Deadlift 5 reps @50%
2) Goblet Squats & KB Swings 4-3-2-1 ladder
3) DB Floor Press, 5-8 reps
4) Ring Rows 7-12 reps w/2 second pause at top
5) Hanging Knee Raises 5-8 reps
6) Med ball chops 5-8 reps
7) 10 DB Thrusters, very fast

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