Week of March 15-21

Monday, March 16, 2020
Sharks (20 min): 3-6 rounds of
1:30 cardio (row, bike, 400m run)
12-18 KB Swings
20 Glute Bridges/Single-Leg Glute Bridges
Wipe/Clean 5 min
Jets (20 min): 4-7 rounds
Squat 40-60% x 5 (sets across)
*Level 1 warmup set then 3-5×5 at current work weight
7-12 Stepups or Box Jumps
12 Pushups/Broken Table
Wipe/Clean 5 min

Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Power/Skill (20 min): 6 rounds
Hang Snatch, moderate weight x 3-5 (sets across)
8-12 Situps/:30-:40 plank
4-7 walking lunges/side *Sub air squats
Wipe/Clean 5 min
Conditioning (20 min): 3 rounds
500m row, 400m run, or 2 min bike (hard pace)
21 KB Swings
12 Pushups/Pullups/Ring Rows
Wipe/Clean 5 min

Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Hatfields (20 min): 4-6 rounds
:30 hard row/bike OR 1 Prowler Sprint
200m one-arm farmer’s carry
:30-:60 jumprope practice
Wipe/Clean 5 min
McCoys (20 min): 5-6 rounds
DB Bench/DB Press/DB Push Press, 50-60% KB weight x 6-10 reps
*Level 1 warmup set then 3-5×5 at current work weight
DB Rows, 7-12 reps (same DBs)
5-8 Burpees *Sub Ring Rows w/1 second hold
Wipe/Clean 5 min

Thursday, March 19, 2020
Endurance (40 min): Rounds of
2 min bike/row OR 400m run
1 min jumprope practice
1 arm heavy kb carry (1 up from swing weight) length mat & back
1 min AMRAP 10 glute bridges, 10 air squats

Friday, March 20, 2020
Anistons (20 min): 4-7 rounds of
1 min bike or row (:20 hard, :30 easy, :10 HARD)
4-7 Heavy Goblet Squats (try weight up)
4-7 Heavy Swings
5 min Wipe/Clean
Jolies (20 min): 3-6 rounds of
Deadlift 40-60% x 5 (sets across)
*Level 1 warmup set then 3-5×5 at same weight
12-18 Ball Slams
:20-:35 Plank
5 min Wipe/Clean

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