
Week of March 24-30

Sunday, March 24, 2019
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Pixies Doolittle
8 AM Conditioning Class, Barbell/Olift Complexes

Monday, March 25, 2019
Warmup (10 min)
: Squat Therapy Refresher 3×5
(Box, Bar, Goblet, Wall)
Speed/Accessory (30 min): Chalk talk on movements then rounds of
Squat 50-60% x 2-3 reps–work crisp reps *Level 1 5×5
DB Romanian Deadlifts, 7-10 reps
DB Half-Kneeling Press 5/side OR One Arm DB Rows 8/side
Russian Twists, 7-12/side with 5-15 lb plate (vid here)
W/a partner, 1 Prowler Push while partner does KB Swings *Scale Up Burpees
Conditioning (20 min): Two things
1) 5 min AMRAP
10 squats
10 Pushups *Level 1 Ring Rows
10 Situps
10 Burpees *Level 1 Humane Burpees
*Level 1 add :30 bike or row to end of each round
2) 7 min EMOM, do with partner if you like
10-20 KB Swings
10-20 Band Pullaparts
Finish each minute with plank or flutter kicks

Tuesday, March 26, 2019
: 5×12
Barbell/DB Rows
DB Floor Press
KB Goodmornings
Air Squats
At end of each round carry kbs two lengths
: 15-20 min of
2-3 min bike/row
3×10 fire hydrants/leg, single-leg glute bridges/side, situps

Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Warmup (10 min): 3×10 Blackburns IYTs, Face Pulls
Strength (25 min): Bench/Press/Push
50% x 5, 60% x 4, 70% x 3, 80% x 2, 90% x 1 for 2-3 sets
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: Do These Things
1) 12 Ball Slams OR Load to High Box/Over Yoke w/Partner
2) Waiter’s Walk Down Turf One Arm, Back Other (Light weight DB Or KB)
3) 5-10 Deadbugs/Side
Conditioning (25 min): “Grace”
30 Clean & Jerk for Time (Rx 135/95)
*Level 1 options:
1) 25-30 DB Clean and Press
2) 5 rounds of 2-4 Power Clean and Push Press with 60-75 seconds rest btw rounds

Thursday, March 28, 2019
Assistance and Conditioning
: The Iron Claw
8 minute AMRepsAP of…
1 Barbell Complex @8 reps (95/65/35)
2 Turfs Farmer’s Carry (40-53s/25-36s)

Friday, March 29, 2019
Warmup (5 min): Dynamic
Skill Work (10 min): With Partner, Accumulate 60-75 PVC or 33-45 lb Power Snatch
Strength Endurance (25 min): Chalk Talk then Rounds of
Deadlift 40-50% for 8 reps DO NOT BOUNCE REPS *Level 1 5×5
7-12 DB Curls
5-1 Ladder Goblet Squats/KB Swings
Conditioning (20 min): Viking Time
Set PRs on
Prowler Push one length
Sled Drag one length
Between efforts: Tire Strikes

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