Week of October 20-26

Monday, October 21, 2019
Warmup (10 min):
7 min work
10 lateral jumps or steps over slam or medball (5/side)
:30 bike or row
10 lunges w/slam or wallball (5/side)
:30 jumprope
Strength (25 min): 6 rounds
a) Squat, 40, 50, 60, 70% x 5, 80% x 3, 85% x 1-3
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
b) 5-8 Ball Slams (rest 1-2 sec btw reps)
Conditioning (20 min): 12 min work
Fitness: Goblet Squat x 8, 10 Kb Swings, 10 KB Goodmornings, 50 single unders (sub min bike)
Performance: Back Squat 40% x 5, 20 KB Swings, 60 Single Unders
Sport: Back Squat 40% x 8, 20 Overhead KB Swings, 20 Double Unders
Finisher (5 min): 
Row 1 min OR
Run 200m at mile pace OR
Bike 1 min hands free

Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Warmup (10 min):
3 rounds
Row 10 cals
8 Stepups (4/side), control descent
6 Humane Burpees
Skill/Power (20 min): Power Clean
5 min demo/prac empty bar
15 min work up in doubles to a heavy single
Rest 60-90 seconds btw reps
Conditioning (30 min):
1) 6 min Work
10 DB Snatch/side (35/20)
250m run or 200m row
Rest 2 min
2) 6 min Work
8 DB Snatch/side (35/20)
Prowler Push Down & Back (140/90)
15 KB Swings
Rest 2 min
3) One Round Through
6 DB Snatch/side (35/20)
1 Deceleration Sprint (length turf/mat)
Row 500m or Run 400m

Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Warmup (10 min):
Shoulder Shocker 3×10
Speed Strength (20 min): 6-7 rounds
a) Push/Press/Bench 40-60% for sets of 3-4
*Level 1 one or two warmup sets then 5×5 at current work weight
b) 7-12 Wall Slides
Accessory Work (15 min): 3-5 rounds
Double DB or KB Row, 8-12 reps
Band Curls, 15 reps
Band Pullaparts, 20-30 reps
Conditioning (15 min): 20-10-5
Fitness: KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Situps, Glute Bridges
Performance: Hang Clean & Push Press (65/45), Air Squats, Situps
Sport: Squat Clean Thrusters (75/53), Walking Lunges/Side, Situps

Thursday, October 24, 2019
Warmup (10 min):
2 rounds of
Min 1: PVC Overhead or Front Squat x 10-15 reps
Min 2: 15 KB Swings
Min 3: 12-15 Ring Rows
Skill/Power (20 min): High Hang Snatch
5 min demo/prac empty bar
15 min work up in doubles to a heavy single
Rest 60-90 seconds btw reps
Conditioning (30 min): 
1) 15 min Work
Row 100m sprint
10 Plate Ground to Overhead (25-45/10-25)
:10 Airdyne Sprint
Offset KB Carries down & back turf or mat
:30-:60 jumprope
2) Rest 2 min
3) 2 rounds of
:10 Airdyne Sprint, :50 slow pedal
:30 air squat, :30 rest
:40 plank, :20 rest

Friday, October 25, 2019
Woodshed Open 20.3 TBD

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