Sunday, October 28, 2018
7 AM Mindful Lifting, Black Keys, El Camino & Turn Blue
8 AM Mind Eraser Conditoning
Monday, October 29, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 20-12-6-20
Single Leg Glute Bridges, Fire Hydrants, Broken Tables (all half # reps/side)
Strength (30 min): Squat to max
50, 60% x 5, 75% x 3 (be done with these in first 10-12 min), 85% x 1, 100% x 1, up in consult with coach
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: use as much as needed
1) 10 Ball Slams (40/20/10)
2) DB RDL, 5-8 reps (25-40/15-25)
3) :60 moderate cardio (row/bike)
Conditioning (20 min):
3 min chalk talk on exercises then Pick 2 of 3 choices
1) 11-1 Ladder *Level 1 7 to 1
Air Squat, Pushup, KB Swing (44-53/26-35) *Scale up with heavier KB
2) 30-20-10
KB Swing to Goblet (vid here) *Level 1 half # reps each round
Tuck Jumps *Level 1 step-ups half # reps each round
3) 2-3 rounds of :20 hard airdyne, :45-:75 moderate row
Wednesday, October 31–HALLOWEEEEN DRESS UP
Warmup/Mini-WOD (15 min): 10 min EMOM
2 goblet squats, 5 kb swings, 3 air squats, 5 glute bridges
Work 1 (20 min): 3-5 rounds of
DB Bench or Overhead, 5-8 reps moderate weight *Level 1 5×5 press
One-Arm DB Row Staggered Stance, 7-10 reps/side moderate weight
20 one arm kb swings (10/side) *Level 1 10-12
Work 2 (20 min): “Predict A Riot”
Front Squat (155/105) *Level 1 sub DBs
Burpees *Level 1 Pushups
Cooldown (5 min): One round Shoulder Shocker
Friday, November 2, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic
Skill Work (10 min): Power Clean
PVC then DBs and Light BBs
Work (25 min): 5 rounds of
Power Clean 3-6 reps (105-155/53-103) *Level 1 Deadllift 5×5
Box Jumps, 5-8 reps (one at a time)
Easy Bike, Row, Run, or Jumprope 45-75 seconds
Conditioning (15 min): Athletic/Mobility Focus (Sneaky ABZZZZ)
:00s Double KB or DB Front Rack March (vid here), 5-8 steps/side *Level 1 light weight, 3-5 steps/side
:30s Split Stance Band Pullaparts, 12-20 reps (vid here)