Monday, September 23, 2019
Warmup (5 min): 3×15 Fire Hydrants/Side, Band Pullthroughs
Strength (20 min): 6 rounds
Squat 50, 60% x 5, 70% x 4, 80% x 3, 90% x 2, 90-95% x 1
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
Roll Out Quads/Hamstrings :30-:60 btw each set
Conditioning (20 min): AMRAP 8
Fitness: 15 KB Swings, 15 Glute Bridges, 10 Broken Table/Side
Performance: 20 KB Swings, 10 Pushups (Shoulder Sub Ring Rows)
Sport: 10 Deadlifts (40% max), 10 Burpees Over Bar
Finisher (15 min): Rounds of
Prowler Push/Sled Drag Light
30-50 Band Pullaparts
20-30 Band Pullthroughs
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Warmup (15 min): Wenning Warmup
Rounds of 15 KB Swings, 15 Face Pulls, 15 Air Squats, 15 Light Plate Glute Bridges
Skill Circuit (25 min): Rounds
Landmine Press, 5-8/side light weight blood flow
*Alt Medball Toss No Legs
:30-:60 Jumprope Practice
Goblet Split Squat, 5-8/side light weight blood flow
Offset KB Carry Down & Back Turf or Mats 2x
Conditioning (15 min): 7 min EMOM
:00 10-15 second bike or row, hard pace
:30 10-15 Band Pushdowns
Core/Finish: Accumulate 1-3 min plank
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Old School Shoulder Shocker 3 x 10
Shoulder Couplet (20 min): 6 Rounds of
Single-Arm DB Press/Bench, 5-8 reps/side for speed
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
KB Chaos Shrugs, 5-8 reps *Level 1 10-15 Ring Rows
Conditioning (30 min): 20 min rounds of
Fitness: Bike 1 min, 20 air squats, Bike :90, 10 Glute Bridges w.light plate held over sternum
Performance: Bike 1 min or Row 250m, 15 Goblet Squats, Bike :90 or Row 400m, 15 Situps
Sport: Run 200m, 12 Double DB Squats, Run 400m, 10 T2B
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice
Skill/Practice (20 min): Power Snatch PVC Demo
1) High Hang, 2) Hang then Rounds of
High Hang or Hang Power Snatch/Clean, sets of 2 ascending
:45-:60 rest btw sets
Conditioning 1 (20 min): Rounds of
Heavy Prowler Walk/Sled Drag 1 length, rest :45-:60
Row 100m or Bike :20 hard pace, rest :45-:60
Front Rack KB Carry, down & back mats
4-6 Single Arm KB Swings.side *Level 1 10 KB Swings
Conditioning 2 (10 min): 2-3 rounds of
7-12 Moderate to Heavy Ball Slams, Fast Pace
:20 mountain climbers
:60 rest
Friday, September 27, 2019
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic/Outdoor
Speed Strength (20 min): 6 rounds
Deadlift 40-60% x 2-4 reps
*Level 1 warmup set then 5×5 at current work weight
5-8 Step Over Bench/Side
Conditioning (25 min): “Cake By The Ocean”
3-4 rounds, 15:00 cap
Fitness :30-:60 Jumprope, Prowler Push (180/120), 30 Band Pullaparts
Performance 12 Box Jumps or Stepups, 15 Goblet Squats, 15 Ring Rows
Sport 12 Box Jumps, 20 Wallballs (20./14), 12 Pullups