Wheels in the Sky

For maxes this week, use a relatively recent max, what you worked up to last week, or something you feel like you can reasonably hit in 4 weeks.  Ask for help on that # if you need it, but most should have a pretty good idea of where this # should be.

Sunday, August 9, 2015–Conditioning Class
“Grace”–3o Ground to Overhead for time (135/95)

Monday, August 10, 2015
Strength: Squat
40×5, 50×4, 60×3, 70×2, 78×1, 83×1, 85×1 then
2×3 pause or box squats @65%
Conditioning: Prowler/Sled
8-10 pushes or drags (fast)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Strength: Bench or Press
40×5, 50×4, 60×3, 70×2, 78×1, 83×1, 85×1 then
1 set AMRAP @65%
Conditioning: 12 min every min on the min
:00s, 2-3-5 kb swings (2 in first :10, 3 in second :10, 5 in third :10)
:30s, 2-3-5 goblet squats (2 in first :10, 3 in second :10, 5 in third :10)
**Take three minutes during 12 min to run 400m or row as many meters as possible

Friday, August 14, 2015
Strength: Deadlift
40×5, 50×4, 60×3, 70×2, 78×1, 83×1, 85×1 then
3×3 @70%
Conditioning: “Going the Distance”
Slow: Accumulate 1600m (Jog and/or Row)
Fast: Accumulate 200m (sprint and/or carries w/53s or 35s)

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