
Who’s Zooming Who?

Monday, October 6, 2014
Warmup (10 min):
Accumulate 8 lengths of hip work (Slingshot, Over the Fence, Walking High Knees)
then 20-10-5 squats, situps with legs butterflied
Work/Movement (30 min): 5-8 rounds of
Squat, 2-3 reps @50-60%, crisp, perfect reps
Jog 200m or Row 250m or Bike 1 min
15 KB Swings
10 DB Floor Presses
Bear Crawl (1 or 2 lengths)
Conditioning/Power (20 min incl setup and cleanup): With partner or two
using 70-80% of your press max OR usual conditioning power clean weight, do:
15 seconds of power cleans, 1 push press, 1 power clean
Rack bar and back squat 2x
Rack bar and push press 2x
15 seconds of air squats
Rest while partner(s) work

Tuesday, October 7, 2014
7-10 prowler pushes and/or tire work
(Flip with partner, alternating with partner, or for power intervals of 60 seconds)

Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Warmup (15 min):
Shoulder Shocker, 3×10 then
Blackburns I, Y, T 3×10 seconds/letter
Strength/Max Effort (30 min): Press, work to 1 rep max
Suggested progression 50% x 5, 60×4, 70×3, 80×2, 90×1, then go up by 5% in singles to set max
Beginners do 5×5 at working weight then 1 or 2 sets of 8 @60% work weight
Between Sets: Band Work for Upper Back
15 reps of No Moneys, Pullaparts, Face Pulls
Conditioning (15 min): 3 rounds of
400m jog (47 Taylor & Back) then
Accumulate 30 kb swings and 20 pushups for time
Rest before/during jogs

Thursday, October 9, 2014
Run or Row 1 mile (1600 m)
Run or Row 1 mile and try to beat time
*Sub 400m or 800m for distance

Friday, October 10, 2014
Warmup (10 min):
Learn & Practice Barbell Romanian Deadlift
(Empty bars, PVC pipes)
Work (40 min): Rounds of
Deadlift, sets of 8 @50% max
Piriformis Stretch 30 sec/side
Split Squats, 2-3/leg (practice and feel stretch)
DB Bench Press, 7-10 reps
Jumprope :20-:30
Roll Out Upper Back
Movement/Power (10 min):
8-1 breathing goblet squats (all together)
8-1 breathing situps (all together) then
1 min max kb swings

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