
Week of November 11-17

Sunday, November 11, 2018–Special Event
7-10 AM Open Gym

Come on in and explore your new gym home (still in progress)

Monday, November 12, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Dynamic Length Mat
Strength (30 min–incl chalk and checkup): Squat
50, 60 % x 5, 70, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: Cardio work (location)
1) Prowler push (180/90)–it’s much easier on turf!
2) Airdyne :30 hard work–bike station
3) :30 max ball slams–edge of mats
Conditioning (15 min): “Exploratorium”
(3 min chalk & setup, 10 min work, 2 min cleanup)
10 min rounds of
Static Ab 30-45 seconds: Plank/Deadbug/Broken Tables
Explosive Hip 30-45 seconds: High Box Jump or Stepup, KB Swings
Explosive Hip/Push: 30-45 seconds: Wallballs, DB Thrusters (Level 1 Goblets 30 sec)
Cashout/Sprint (5 min): Prowler sprints @90/50

Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Warmup (10 min): Shoulder work–3 rounds of
1) IYTs on mat or bench, 10 seconds/reps letter
2) 7-12 underhand band pullaparts, 5-10 overhand
3) PVC Cuban Press 10-15 reps
Strength (30 min–incl chalk and checkup): Bench, Press, Push Press
50, 60 % x 5, 70, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
*Level 1 5×5
*Scale Up Clean your first rep of Press or PP
Between Sets: 
1) DB or KB Rows, 7-12 reps (squeeze at top)
2) Plank :20-:40 (Ratio: squeeze glutes and quads 5 sec, relax 5 sec)
3) Row :60-:90
Conditioning (20 min): Athletic Focus
(5 min chalk & setup, 10 min work, 5 min cleanup)
EMOM 10 min do with a partner or two
:00s 3-5 tempo goblet squats @2 seconds down, 1 sec pause at bottom *scale up 3 count down, 2 count bottom
:30s :20 jumprope *scale up doubles OR :20 over the bench

Friday, November 16, 2018
Warmup (10 min): 
Rounds of
1) Light two hand KB Farmer’s Carries length of turf
2) :20 side plank, :20 broken tables (mat)
Strength (30 min): Deadlift
(5 min chalk and setup, 20 min work, 5 min clean–lift on mats)
50, 60 % x 5, 70, 80% x 3, 90% x 3+
*Level 1 5×5
Between Sets: Bar work and Hamstring work
1) Ring rows 7-12 reps OR :20 set of deadhang or kips
2) DB or KB RDLs 5-10 reps (working on sitback, fast reps light weight)
3) Light Prowlers (90/50)
Conditioning and Cooldown (20 min): Lower Body Athletic Focus 3-4 rounds
(5 min chalk & setup, 10 min work, 2 min cleanup)
20 feet/3 mats weighted overhead lunges (45/25) *Level 1 15 feet/2 mats unweighted or 10 stepups
7-12 box jumps or heavy ball slams *Level 1 stepups
3-6 DB Squats *Scale up DB Squat Clean or GASP DB SQUAT CLEAN THRUSTER
Cooldowns: Shuttle runs on turf (run to end, touch and run back)

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