Good day, Woodshed! I’d like to invite you all to register for the 2018 Woodshed Open! This is an in-house competition that is equal parts sweat, fun, and teamwork. Everyone can participate. Here’s how it will work:
Each week for 5 weeks beginning on Thursday, February 22nd, the CrossFit Games site will post a workout. We will make adjustments to the workout for skill, space, and equipment if necessary and offer the workout during all Friday classes, Saturday and Sunday Open Gyms/conditioning sessions, or by half-hour PT appointment. As we do with our standard conditioners, we will have several variations on the workout so that everyone can participate by completing the workout.
Here’s an example of what you how we might create 3 variations for a workout template you all know and…love?
(Rx=hardest, Scaled=second hardest, Woodshed=appropriate for hard work cruise control)
3 rounds for time of
Rx* Level 30 db snatches (35/20) *Scaled db cleans (35/20), *Woodshed 25 kb swings (44-53/26-35)
Rx* 35 double unders *Scaled 100 single unders *Woodshed 50-75 jumping jacks
Rx* 15 burpee box jumps *Scaled 15 burpees *Woodshed 8-12 humane burpees
Note: folks who are working through an injury will automatically default to the Woodshed category even if their work is different from whatever is on the board that week, so long as that work is done in class on Friday or during OG on Sat/Sun. We want you guys to be eligible for the participation and spirit points.
The 6th week will be an online(ish) event that serves as the final ‘workout’ and a tiebreaker as needed.
We will have 4 teams in the Open. We’ve selected 4 Captains who we think will exemplify the spirit of this competition: Lynne Bourque, Jon Kazanjian, Heather Montalvo, and Kristin Kinney. Over the course of next weekend (Jan 26-28), the captains and I will meet to draft teams from among the registered athletes. If you register next week, you’ll be drafted to one of these four teams. If you don’t register before draft time, you are going to have to deal with 4 captains trying to RECRUIT you to their teams after the draft is done!
Teams will receive 1 point for each athlete who completes that week’s workout.
Teams will receive 3 points each for the top 3 male and female athletes in the Rx and Scaled categories.
Note: Athletes submit score on whiteboard under class, Open Gym, or PT coach’s name before Sunday at 7 PM.
The top 3 teams in SPIRIT (as voted by your coaches) each week will receive 10, 7, and 4 points.
The winning team will have a championship banner with their team name and members hung in the new gym.
The top male and female individuals will each have a Woodshed workout named in their honor
Cost will be $25, payable online here, and if you register before February 1, you will get a Woodshed Open T-shirt!
Hit us up in the Facebook Members group (this is the overwhelming preference so we can all see the q&a at the same time.) If you’re not on FB, email to