Warmup (10 min): It Warms Its Hips Up, In the Gym
Strength (35 min): Squat, 1s week…
Men work to 77%x5, 81%x3, 85% x 1+
Women 40% x 6, 50% x 5, 60% x 3, 70% x 2, 60%x8, 80% x 1
First Month 20 Goblet Squat, 20 BB Squat
Assistance (btw sets):
Grip/Ab Work: Hanging Knee, Leg Raises–25 to 40 total reps
Upper Back Work: Recline Rows w/chains, feet on bench or sandbags only.
Conditioning (10 min):
5 rounds of…
10 squats
10 situps
10 weightless Renegade Rows (5/arm)
Rest 1 min then
5 burpees, 2 pushups, 7 burpees, 3 pushups