Every Day I Write the Book

Sunday, September 27, 2015–8 AM Conditioning
Skill Work
: Bear Complex–going over movements
“Poke the Bear”
1) 800m run
2) 30 bear complexes (95/65) Power Clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat, Push Press
3) 800m run

Monday, September 28, 2015
Skill/Work (10 min): Med Ball Throws
Strength (20 min total): Squat 5×5, speed work
3 warmup sets then 5 sets of 5 at moderate weight–perfect form, fast reps
Conditioning (20 min): “Seventy-Five”
5 rounds for time of…
15 kb swings
15 pushups
15 squats
15 situps

Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Skill (15 min): Strict Press–bracing and light doubles
Practice (5 min): One arm kb clean & press
Conditioning (20 min): “Sparky’s Dream“–For time (12-15 min cap)
Seven rounds of
10 two handed kb swing
5 one handed kb clean & press, each arm
10 situp w/twist to each side (elbows touching knees)
5 one handed kb swing, each arm 

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Skill & Practice (15 min): Hang Clean
Strength (20 min): Work to heavy double, bench or push press, 5-6 sets total
Conditioning (15 min): 10 min AMRAP
20 squats, 40 kb swings, 60 single unders–rest 1 min between each round
*score is total reps

Thursday, October 1, 2015
Skill: Wallballs, 4-7 reps at a time
Conditioning: “Fractioned Kelly”
5 rounds total of…
12-20 wallballs
200-400m run
15-25 box jumps or stepups (if box jumps, step off box and reset feet–one rep at a time)
**1 round at a time, rest between rounds as needed.  Stagger starts so folks can do wallballs uninterrupted

Friday, October 2, 2015–K.Y.A.G. Day
Skill (10 min) : Dimel Deadlifts
Strength (25 min): 3-5 rounds of
8 Dimel Deadlifts (30ish% max)
12 glute bridges
15 kb swings
Conditioning (25 min): Prowler
6-8 heavy 20 yd pushes (half of lot)

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