Monday, February 22, 2016
Warmup (20 min): Rounds of
Squat Therapy x 10, Couch Stretch x 30-60 sec/side
Strength (20 min): Squat
50, 60 % x 5, 70, 80, 90% x 3, 70% x 5-8
Conditioning (20 min): EMOM 10
:00s 3 KB Goodmornings, 3-5 pushups, 7 KB Swings
:30s, 3-5 strict DB Press (15% BW/arm), 5 glute bridge, 3 DB Squats
*Goal of this conditioner is work capacity–steady movement, try to finish within 30 sec each half-round
Secondary goal is transition speed from standing to ground and back up again–aim at getting smoother each round
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Warmup (20 min): Rounds of
5 arm bars/side, 10 Wall Slides, 20 Band Pullaparts, :30 batwings
Strength (20 min): Bench or Press
50, 60 % x 5, 70, 80, 90% x 3, 70% x 5-8
Conditioning (20 min): Alternating Tabata
6 rounds of Air Squat/Situps
6 rounds of KB Swing/Plank
*Score is lowest # of squats and situps in a round. Goal of this conditioner is twofold:
A) Squats & Situps we are looking for power output and speed/reps
B) Swings & Plank we are looking at core: practice bracing on the KB swings, pull belt buckle towards chin on plank
Friday, February 26, 2016
Warmup (20 min): Rounds of
4-7 goblet squats, 15 broken table/side, :30-:45 plank, 4-7 ring or rope rows
Strength (20 min): Deadlift
50, 60 % x 5, 70, 80, 90% x 3, 70% x 5-8
Conditioning (20 min): Challenge Work
1) For time 30 DB Thrusters (15% BW), 50 situps (break up however you like)
2) Max Pushups 1 minute
3) Lying leg raise 45 seconds (running clock, rest as needed within 45 seconds)
*Goal here is to think of these as three separate entities…go HARD on the thruster/situp combo, find your perfect chest-to-deck pushup and work it for a minute; leg raise is something we haven’t tried in a while so we are just feeling out our way here.