Forget Everything You Know About Gyms

Just for a minute.

Forget everything you think you know about gyms.

Forget everything you think you know about working out.

Forget everything you see about looking the way we’re supposed to look, whatever that means.

Put your Insta and Tik Tok to sleep for a few minutes.

Now it’s just you. You, your mind, and your body.

Now it’s just you. You and what you want for yourself.

Gyms, and the equipment inside of them, are just tools. There are gyms of every stripe and size.

Working out is just what you do and how you do it. It’s a practice, not an identity. It’s not one size fits all.

Now, and always, it’s just you. Now, and always, it’s you and what you want for yourself.

How do you want to feel? How do you want your brain to feel every day? How do you want your body to feel?

Where do you want to go? How long do you want to last? Right now, the horizon stretches as far as we both can see.

Fitness is habitual, consistent practice with the right tools and methods to get you where you want to go. Fitness is your gift to yourself. It feels amazing when you get there, and it never ends because you keep going. There are a million roads to travel and we’ve all got at least a baker’s dozen within us.

Coaching is what we do. We ask you where you want to go, and then we listen.

We listen, we make a plan, and then we walk with you on the path. We stay one or two steps ahead because we know the roads and we can make way for you.

That’s how we coach. We walk with you, hack away what’s not working, and encourage–relentlessly.

We don’t scream, we don’t punish, we don’t do fitness drama, and we don’t do privation This is 2021. We know that’s not the way.

Forget everything you think you know about the gym. Forget everything you think you know about working out.

Now, it’s just you. You and what you want for yourself.

Let’s start there.

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