LG Workouts Week of 012323

Monday, January 23, 2023
Warmup (5 min): 1-2 x 10 Swings, Glutes, Slams
Strength (25 min): 5 rounds

Lift: Squat sets at 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 85 x 1+ (cap at 10)
*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Assistance/Power: 12 KB Swings
Joint: Banded Goodmornings, 8-15 reps…bonus add slingshot around knees
Footwork: Over the Fence or Flutter Kicks 10-15/side
Tissue: Roll Out Quads and Hams, :30-:45 if needed

Conditioning (30 min):
Skills and Drills
Unit 1 (10 min): Hang Clean Demo then 5 sets of 3-5 work to heavy hang clean or BB row triple
Unit 2 (20 min): 12 min Accumulation
Fitness: 8 Barbell Rows @60-70% heavy, 15 swings,1:00 bike/row
Performance: 5 hang cleans @70-80% heavy, 15 swings, :45 hard bike/row
Sport: 5 hang squat cleans @70-80% heavy, 15 OH swings, 200m run

Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Coach-Led PVC Work
3×10 PVC Passthroughs/Dislocates, Around the World, Back or Front Squats

Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Squat or Hip Thrust sets of 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 85 x 1+ (cap at 10)
*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Assistance: Single Leg Glute Bridge, 7-12/side *Scale Up 15-35 lbs
Joint: 12 three-count fire hydrants/side
Cardio: :30 steady, :30 hard
Tissue: Roll Out Upper Back, :30-:45 if needed

Conditioning 25 min
With partner or two, 15 min rounds of
Med.Slamball lunges (overhead or front rack) while partner does 12-15 situps.  Switch
30 jumprope or burpees while partner does KB swings.  Switch
Partner Plank :30-:60
Partner Wall Sit :20-:30

Wednesday, January 25, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 3 rounds of
One Arm Turf Carry Farmer’s KB (light-moderate)
10 McGill Crunches/Side
10 Broken Table/Side

Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Bench/Push/Press 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 85 x 1+ (cap at 10)

*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Assistance: 8-12 reps DB Press or DB Floor Press (opposite to main movement)
Joints: Banded Curls, 7-12 reps
Abs: Side Plank or Reg Plank, :20-:30 total, Bar/Ring  Hang or Knee Raises, :10-:15

Conditioning (25 min):
15 min AMRAP
Fitness: 20 KB Swings, 20 glute bridges, 1:30 bike, 20 band pullthroughs
Performance: 20 Ball Slams, 20 stepups, 1:30 row, 20 swings
Sport: 20 Wallballs, 20 box jumps, 400m run, 20 swings

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Warmup (10 min): EMOM 6
:15 plank, :10 crunches, :20 jumprope

Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Bench/Push/Press 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 85 x 1+ (cap at 10)
*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Assistance: DB overhead or floor press 8-12 reps 
Skill: Bracing Work: 30 (standing brace, deep breath and standing brace, brace with hands on ribcage, chain work)
Joint: Band Pullaparts Orange or Red Band 15-25 reps

Conditioning (25 min):
15 min AMRAP
Fitness: 20 squats, 20 glute bridges, 10 crunches, 1:30 light cardio
Performance: 12 DB goblet squats, 12 situps, 12 pushups, 1:00 cardio
Sport: 12 Back Squats (30-40%), 12 abmat situps, 8 Pullups, 200m run

Friday, January 27, 2023
Warmup (5 min):
Fast Dynamic

Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Deadlift sets at 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 85 x 1+ (cap at 10)

*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Hips: 12 broken table/side, 12 fire hydrants/side
Triceps: 10 Banded Pushdowns
CNS: Light Cardio, 1:00, OR light sandbag/wreckbag carry turf 2x or outdoors

Conditioning (25 min): 15 min Work Accumulation
Fitness: 15 Glute Bridges, 10 Ball Slams, 10 DB Rows (easy weight), 20 air squats
Performance: 12 Single Leg Glutes/side, 5 Wall Slams/Side, 10 Ring Rows, 25 air squats
Sport: 10 Reverse Lunges/Side, 5 Wall Slams/Side. 20 goblets, 5-8 pullups

Saturday, January 28, 2023
Warmup (5 min): Dynamic
Conditioning (25 min):
“James Paul”, 3 rounds w/15 min cap
Weights on DBs (25-40/15-25)
Fitness: 10-15 Humane Burpees, 15 DB Cleans/side, 100 single unders or :90 bike
Performance: 15 burpees, 15 Db snatch/side, 100 single unders or :90 row
Sport: 15 burpees, 15 DB snatch/side (35/20), 100 single unders or 35 Double Unders

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