LG Workouts Week of 02052

Monday, February 6, 2023
Warmup (10 min):
2 rounds :40 work. 20 transition
Terminal Knee Extension (:20/side), Plank (contract quads), Glute Bridges (drive knees out)

Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Squat 40, 50, 60, 70 % x 5, 75% x 5-15
5×5 do warmup set then 4×5
Joint: Banded Walks w/Slingshot down turf (shuffle, forward, back, big steps)
Assist: Single Arm DB Row (knee on bench), 8-12/side
Cardio: 1:00-1:30, pref outdoor run or 200m light weight med/slamball walk

Conditioning (25 min): 15 min work
Fitness: 20 KB Swings,10 Russian Twists/Side, :30 glute bridges, :30 plank
Performance: 20 KB Swings, 15 Russian Twists/Side, :30 mountain climbers, :30 plank
Sport: 20 OH KB Swings, 20 abmat situps, :30 burpees, :30 side plank

Tuesday February 7, 2023
Warmup (10 min):
Song “Flower” or “Roxanne” squats, up/down pushups, glute bridges

Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Squat or Hip Thrust 40, 50, 60, 70 % x 5, 75% x 5-15
5×5 do warmup set then 4×5
Joint: Face Pull, 12-20 reps
Assist: Double DB Row, 8-12 reps
Cardio: 1:00-1:30, steady pace (jumprope practice to music)

Conditioning (25 min): “Cupid’s Revenge”

14:02 AMRAP
Fitness: 2 air squats, 14 swings, 2 goblet squats, 14 glute bridges *situps/crunches every 3rd rd
Performance: 2 goblets, 14 swings, 2 goblets, 14 situps *glute bridges every 3rd rd
Sport: 2 front/back squats @50-60%, 14 overhead swings, 2 front/back sqts, 14 russian swings

Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Simple Seven 1-2  x 10 reps

Strength (25 min):  5 rounds
Lift: Bench or Press 40, 50, 65, 70% x 5, 75% x 5-15
5×5 do warmup set then 4×5
Oppositional Lift: DB overhead or floor press, light weight sets of 8-12
Legs: Prowler Down & Back light weight jog (50-100)
Hang and Cardio: 20-30 Bar Hang or Ring Row Hang (at bottom of rep), 45 sec easy machine

Conditioning (25 min): “Kenny’s Authorit-ay” 12 min AMRAP
Fitness: 20 Swings, 20 Goblets, :45 stepups or box jumps, :45 hard cardio bike/row
Performance: 35 KB Swings, 100 singles, 12 Back Squats (95-135/65-95), 12 glute bridges
Sport: 35 OH KB Swings (53/35), 35 doubles, 12 Front Squats (95-135/65-95), 12 situps

Thursday, February 9, 2023
Warmup (5 min):
Quick Dynamic on Turf
Choices: Butt-kicks, High-knees, Zombie Walks (straight leg toe touches),Side Shuffle (down and back) Over the fence, Under the fence (get low!), Walking Lunges

Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Bench or Press 40, 50, 65, 70 % x 5, 75% x 5-15
5×5 do warmup set then 4×5
Oppositional Lift: DB overhead or floor press, light weight sets of 8-12
Legs: DB Romanian Deadlift, 5-8 reps
Biceps for Bench: Empty Bar Curls x 8-12 (no more than 60 reps total)

Conditioning (30 min): 20 min Partner Work
One Arm Farmer’s Bar (105/85/65/45) one length while partner air squats. Switch
25 kb swings while partner rows, bikes, or jumps rope.  Switch
Partner Plank :30-:60
12 Wallballs or Ball Slams while partner does ring rows or pullups.  Switch

Friday, February 10, 2023
Warmup (5 min):
Group Plank or Air Squats 1:00, 15 Broken Table/Side

Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Deadlift 40, 50, 65, 70 % x 5, 75% x 5-15
5×5 do warmup set then 4×5
Assistance:Two movements from Simple Seven x 10 reps each
Joint: Banded Pullthroughs, 12-20 reps
Abs: 1:00 steady (bike, row, run) OR jumprope practic

Conditioning (25 min): “Abdominal Wall of Troy” 14 min AMRAP
Fitness: :30-:60 planks, 21 KB Swings, 10 pushups, 10 ring rows
Performance: 21 Situps, 21 KB Swings, 20 burpees
Sport: 21 Situps (Knees Butterflied Touch Toes) 21 Overhead Swings, 20 burpees

Saturday, February 11, 2023
Second Chance Conditioning
Conditioning (25 min):
Big Time Alternating Tabata–6 rounds
Fitness: Swings, Broken Tables, Air Squats, Plank
Performance:Swings, Pushups, Air Squats, Plank/Side Plank
Sport: OH Swings, Hand Release Pushups, Air Squats, Abmat Situps
*At end of each two full rounds, :30-:40 jumprope practice, :20-:30 rest

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