Monday, February 13, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Coach-Led PVC Work
3×10 PVC Passthroughs/Dislocates, Around the World, Back or Front Squats
Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Squat 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 80% x 3-12
5×5 do warmup set then 4×5
Assistance/Power: 12 KB Swings
Joint: Banded Goodmornings, 8-15 reps…bonus add slingshot around knees
Footwork: Over the Fence or Flutter Kicks 10-15/side
Tissue: Roll Out Quads and Hams, :30-:45 if needed
Conditioning (20 min): Prowler Down & Back
Prowler Down & Back (180/140) alt :20 airdyne sprint
10-15 crunches or weighted situps
:30-:45 jumprope to practice footwork or doubles
Cooldown (5 min): 3×10
Cat camels
Broken tables
Do all while nasal breathing
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 2-3 x 10 Swings, Glutes, Slams, Air Squats
Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Squat or Hip Thrust 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 80% x 3-12
*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Assistance: Single Leg Glute Bridge, 7-12/side *Scale Up 25-45 lbs
Joint: 12 three-count fire hydrants/side
Cardio: :30 steady, :30 hard
Tissue: Roll Out Upper Back, :30-:45 if needed
Conditioning (25 min): 14 min of work
13-1 Ladder, then begin laddering back up if time
Fitness: KB Swings, Air Squats, Glute Bridges
Performance: KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Crunches
Sport: OH KB Swings, Goblet Squats, Abmat Situps
Wednesday, February 15, 2022
Warmup (10 min): Med Ball Tosses
Grab partner or two, do 5-8 tosses each variation: btw legs, chest pass, side toss
Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Bench or Press 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 80% x 3-12
*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Assistance: 8-12 reps DB Press or DB Floor Press (opposite to main movement)
Joints: Banded Curls, 7-12 reps
Odd Object: Slamballs over yoke, 3-5/person
Conditioning (25 min): 8 rounds Alternating Tabata
Fitness: Ball Slams, Single Leg Glute Bridges, Air Squats, Plank
Performance: Ball Slams, Swings, Goblets, Plank
Sport: Wallballs, OH KB Swings, Empty Bar/Light Front Squats (45-65/33-53), Side Plank
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Carry two objects (total of two objects should be 50-150 lbs) up & down the turf, try diff objects each time. Warmup so go a little lighter than in-session work from last time.
Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Bench or Press 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 80% x 3-12
5×5 do warmup set then 4×5
Oppositional Lift: DB overhead or floor press, light weight sets of 8-12
Joint: 20 light underhand band pullaparts
Abs/Joints: Bar/Ring Hang or Knee Raises, :10-:15, follow up w/one object carry down & back
Conditioning (25 min): Light Gone Bad
3 rounds of 1 minute stations (1 min rest btw rounds)
Slam (20-30/10-15) or Wallballs (20/14)
KB Swings (35-53/20-35)
Plank or Side Plank
Friday, February 17, 2022
Warmup (10 min): EMOM 6
:15 plank, :10 crunches, :20 jumprope
Strength (25 min): 5 rounds
Lift: Deadlift 40, 50, 65, 75 % x 5, 80% x 3-12
*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Assistance: Single Leg Glute Bridge, 7-12/side *Scale Up 15-35 lbs
Bracing/Abs: Wall Sit :20-:40, practice brace during sit
Cardio: 1-1:30 EASY pace (nasal breathing, abs relaxed after brace)
Conditioning (25 min): “AMRunning or Rowing HelenP” 14 min work
Fitness: 21 swings, 12 db rows, 1:30-:2:00 bike
Performance: 21 Swings, 12 ring rows, 500m row or skieg
Sport: 21 Swings, 12 pullups, 400m run
Saturday, February 18, 2023
WOD: “Chelsea Hotel” 25 min on the min
4 burpees
5 air squats (odd minutes), 5 situps (even minutes)
6 kb swings
7 single unders