Monday, May 8, 2023
Warmup (5 min): 1-2 rounds :15-:30 Wall Sit, 10 deadbugs/side, 10 kb goodmornings
Skill (5 min): Plank/Hollow Hold/Hollow Rock
Strength (25 min): Speed, Hollow Work, Steady Cardio
5-6 rounds
Fitness: Squat 5×5, Swings 7-12, Plank :30, 1:00 Cardio
Performance: Squat 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 ball slams, Hollow Hold :30, 1:00 row/bike
Sport: Squat 40-60% x 3-5 then 15 Russian Swings, Hollow Rock :30, 200m run
Conditioning (25 min): Tabata 100
1) Three Rounds Alternating Tabata
Fitness: Crunches, Ball Slams, Plank, Jumping Jacks/Flutter Kicks
Performance: Situps, KB Swings, Plank, Single Unders
Sport: Butterfly Situps, OH KB Swings, Side Plank, Single or Double Unders
2) Complete 100 reps total of:
Air squats, glute bridges, kb swings, pushups (choose how many of each)
3) Three Rounds Alternating Tabata
Fitness: Crunches, Ball Slams, Plank, Jumping Jacks/Flutter Kicks
Performance: Situps, KB Swings, Plank, Single Unders
Sport: Butterfly Situps, OH KB Swings, Side Plank, Single or Double Unders
Tuesday, May 9, 2023
Warmup (5 min): 1×15 KB Swings, Bar Squats, Wall Squats
Skill (5 min): Plank/Hollow Hold/Hollow Rock
Strength (25 min): Speed, Hollow Work, Steady Cardio
5-6 rounds
Fitness: Squat/Hip T 5×5, Swings 7-12, Plank :30, 1:00 Cardio
Performance: Squat/Hip T 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 ball slams, Hollow Hold :30, 1:00 row/ski erg
Sport: Squat 40-60%/Hip T x 3-5 then 15 Russian Swings, Hollow Rock :30, 1:00 bike sprint
Conditioning (25 min):
1) 7 min on the min
:00s, 4-7 ball slams, 5 goblet squats
:30s, 2 deadlifts @40-50%, 10 situps or crunches
2 min rest/equipment change
2) Long Island/Super Bowl 3
7 min on the min
:00s, 5 goblet squats, 1 pushup, 6 kb swings
:30s, 16 single unders (throw in some dubs if you have them), 7 glute bridges
Wednesday, May 10, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Shoulder Shocker 3×10 (PVC Cuban, Front Raise, Light Plate Lateral Raises)
Strength (25 min): Hypertrophy, Hold For Shoulder/Back, Long Cardio
5 rounds
Fitness: Bench/Press 5×5, Oppositional 8-12, Legs Only Broken Table :20/side, 200m carry
Performance: Bench/Press 40-60% x 7-12, Broken Table :30/side, 200m jog
Sport:Bench/Press 40-60% x 7-12, Oppositional 8-12, Bar Hang :30, 200-400m run
Conditioning (25 min): 16 min work
1 min bike or row (:20 hard, :30 easy, :10 HARD)
4-7 Heavy Goblet Squats (try weight up)
4-7 Heavy Swings
12-20 Glute Bridges *scale up w/10-25 weight plate across hips
12-18 Ball Slams
:20-:40 Plank
Thursday, May 11, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Deltoid Destroyer 3×10 Bus Drivers, Plate Raises, Face Pulls
Strength (25 min): Hypertrophy, Hold For Shoulder/Back, Static Abs
5 rounds
Fitness: Bench/Press 5×5, Oppositional 8-12, Legs Only Broken Table :20/side, 1:00 Plank
Performance: Bench/Press 40-60% x 7-12, Opposition 8-12, Broken Table :30/side, 1:00 Plank
Sport:Bench/Press 40-60% x 7-12, Oppositional 8-12, Bar Hang :30, 1:00 Side Plank
Conditioning (25 min): 30-20-10-30 w.15 min cap
Fitness: Swings, Glute Bridges, Ball Slams
Performance: Swings, Air Squats, Ball Slams
Sport: OH Swings, Goblet Squats, Box Jumps
You can sub in 30 situps or crunches once for one of the 30 rep exercises, e,g, Fitness does 30 situps instead of 30 swings the first round
Friday, May 12, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Relay Race or Dynamic–have fun with it!
Strength (25 min): Skill (Reset), Lunge, Slow Hinge, Cardio
5 rounds
Fitness: Deadlift 5×5, Wreckbag Lunge 5-8/side, 20 pullthroughs, 1-1:30 cardio
Performance: Deadlift 50-65% x 5, Plate Lunge (5-15) 5-8/side, 20 pullthroughs, 1-1:30 cardio
Sport: Deadlift 50-65% x 5, Overhead (15-25) Lunge 5-8/side, 20 pullthroughs, 1-1:30 cardio
Conditioning (25 min): 20 min work
1:30 cardio (bike/row/run 400)
20 swings or 30 glute bridges
10 box jumps or 15 ball slams
10 pullups or 15 db rows
10 goblets or 15 air squats
Saturday, May 13, 2023
9 AM Conditioning
Conditioning (20 min): “Paul James”
300 single unders *Sport 100 doubles
60 db snatches (30/side) at 35/20 *Sport 40/25
50 burpees
*Fitness 150 single unders or jumping jacks, DB cleans, 25 humane burpees