Monday July 24, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Coach’s Choice for a Monday!
Strength (25 min): 5-7 rounds
Lift: Squat 50-65% x 5-8
5×5 do 1 warmup set then 4-6 x 5
Joint: 20 Light KB Swings OR 12 Fire Hydrants/Side
Abs: 10-15 Weighted Crunches (use 10-20 lb slamball across chest) OR Side Plank :30/side
Cardio 1:00–outdoor run,bike/row, odd object carries on turf, jumprope
Conditioning (25 min): James Prowler Down & Back
14 min rounds of
Fitness: Prowler, DB Cleans x 15/side, 30-60 jumping jacks, 7-12 Ring Rows
Performance: DB Cleans or Snatch x 15/side, 100 singles, 7-12 Ring Rows, Prowler
Sport: 35 Doubles, 5-8 pullups, Prowler, DB Snatch 15/side
*Suggested Weights DB Snatches or Cleans (20-35/10-25) Prowler 90/50 back
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 3 rounds 10 ball slams or swings, 15 broken table/side
Strength (25 min): 5-7 rounds
Lift: Squat or Hip Thrust 50-65% x 8
5×5 do 1 warmup set then 4-6×5
Joint: 20 Light KB Swings OR 12 Fire Hydrants/Side
Abs: 10-15 Weighted Crunches (use 10-20 lb slamball across chest) OR Side Plank :30/side
Cardio 1:00–outdoor run,bike/row, odd object carries on turf, jumprope
Conditioning (25 min): 4 rounds
Box Jumps/Stepups :40, :20 rest
Hard Row or Bike :40, :20 rest
Easy mix of KB Swings and Goblets, 40, :20 rest
Plank (Scale up Plank w/shoulder taps), 40, :20 rest
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Warmup (5 min): 3×10 PVC dislocates, overhead press, push press
Strength (25 min): 5-7 rounds Bench Skill: Leg Drive, Press Skill: Head Through
Lift: Bench/Press 50-65% x 5
5×5 do 1 warmup set then 4-6×5
Abs: Wall Sit :20-:30 *Scale do 5 Bus Drivers/side w/10 lb plate
Assist: Split Squat, 8-12/side *Use AbMat to reduce ROM as needed
FUN 1:00–outdoor run, light Prowler (90), ski erg/battle ropes, wallballs/slams, med ball tosses
Conditioning (25 min):
1) 7 min on the min
:00s, 10-15 KB swings, 3-5 goblet squats *Scale Up OH Swings
30s, 2 KB deadlifts, 10 situps *Scale Up hold medball overhead or on chest
2) Rest 1 min
3) 7 min AMRAP
10 reverse lunges (5/leg) *Scale Up hold KB
15 air squats
25 b-stance glute bridges
50 single unders *Scale up 20 doubles
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 3 rounds 10 pushups or :20 plank, 10 ring rows or overhead swings, :30 cardio
Strength (25 min): 5-7 rounds Bench Skill: Leg Drive, Press Skill: Head Through
Lift: Bench or Press 50-65% x 5
5×5 do 1 warmup set then 4-6×5
Oppositional Lift: DB overhead or floor press, light weight sets of 8-12
Joint: 1×15 Lock Big 3 w/light plates
Grip: Offset KB Carries Down & Back Turf, Fast Strides
Conditioning (25 min): 20 min AMRAP
Fitness:1 min bike. 20 glute bridges,:20 plank, 15 swings
Performance::45 row/bike, 20 russian twists (10/side),10 pushups, 15 swings
Sport: 200m run, 20 weighted russian twists (10/side), 10 hand-release pushups, 15 OH swings
Friday July 28, 2023
Warmup (5 min): Dynamic on Turf
Butt-kicks, High-knees, Zombie Walks (straight leg toe touches),Side Shuffle (down and back)
Over the fence, Under the fence (get low!), Walking Lunges
Strength (30 min): 6 rounds–Deadlift max reps, Holds, Easy Cardio
Deadlift progression 5×5 or 50, 60, 70 % x 5, 80% x 4, 85 % x 3-4, 90% x max reps
Fitness: Deadlift, 10 Slams, Arms Only Broken Table 10/side, 1-1:15 easy cardio
Performance: Deadlift, 15 Swings, Broken Table 10/side, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Sport: Deadlift, 12-15 OH Swings, Broken Table Hold :20/side, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Conditioning (25 min): “Kenny’s Authorit-ay” 12 min AMRAP
Fitness: 20 Swings, 20 Goblets, :45 stepups or box jumps, :45 hard cardio bike/row
Performance: 35 KB Swings, 100 singles, 12 Back Squats (95-135/65-95), 12 glute bridges
Sport: 35 OH KB Swings (53/35), 35 doubles, 12 Front Squats (95-135/65-95), 12 situps
Saturday, July 29, 2023
Conditioning (25 min): 16 min work
1 min bike or row (:20 hard, :30 easy, :10 HARD)
4-7 Heavy Goblet Squats (try weight up)
4-7 Heavy Swings
12-20 Glute Bridges *scale up w/10-25 weight plate across hips
12-18 Ball Slams:20-:40 Plank