Monday, Sept 11, 2023
Warmup (5 min): 1-2 rounds :15-:30 Wall Sit, 10 deadbugs/side, 10 kb goodmornings
Strength (30 min): Speed, Hollow Work, Steady Cardio
5-7 rounds
Fitness: Squat 5×5, Swings 7-12, Plank :30, 1:00 Cardio
Performance: Squat 50-70% x 3-5 then 10 ball slams, Hollow Hold :30, 1:00 row/bike
Sport: Squat 50-70% x 3-5 then 15 Russian Swings, Hollow Rock :30, 200m run
Conditioning (25 min): 15 min Work Accumulation
Fitness: 15 Glute Bridges, 10 Ball Slams, 10 DB Rows (easy weight), 20 air squats
Performance: 12 Single Leg Glutes/side, 5 Wall Slams/Side, 10 Ring Rows, 25 air squats
Sport: 10 Reverse Lunges/Side, 5 Wall Slams/Side. 20 goblets, 5-8 pullups
Tuesday, Sept 12, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 2 x15 Bar Squats, Wall Squats, Glute Bridges
Strength (25 min): Speed, Hollow Work, Steady Cardio
5-6 rounds
Fitness: Squat/Hip T 5×5, Swings 7-12, Plank :30, 1:00 Cardio
Performance: Squat/Hip T 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 ball slams, Hollow Hold :30, 1:00 row/ski erg
Sport: Squat 40-60%/Hip T x 3-5 then 15 Russian Swings, Hollow Rock :30, 1:00 bike sprint
Conditioning (20 min): 12 min work accumulation
Fitness: 1:00 cardio, 15 air squats, 15 glute bridges, 15 kb swings
Performance: 100 single unders, 20 air squats, 15 ball slams
Sport: 40 double unders, 25 air squats, 15 burpees
Wednesday, Sept 13, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Shoulder Shocker 3×10 (PVC Cuban, Front Raise, Light Plate Lateral Raises)
Strength (25 min): Hypertrophy, Hold For Shoulder/Back, Long Cardio 5-6 rounds
Fitness: Bench/Press 5×5, Oppositional 8-12, Legs Only Broken Table :20/side, 200m carry
Performance: Bench/Press 40-60% x 7-12, Oppositional 8-12, Broken Table :30/side, 200m jog
Sport: Bench/Press 40-60% x 7-12, Oppositional 8-12, Bar Hang :30, 200-400m run
Conditioning (25 min): 15 min AMRAP
Fitness: 20 squats, 20 glute bridges, 10 crunches, 1:30 light cardio
Performance: 12 DB goblet squats, 12 situps, 12 pushups, 1:00 cardio
Sport: 12 Back Squats (30-40%), 12 abmat situps, 8 Pullups, 200m run
Thursday, Sept 14, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Deltoid Destroyer 3×10 Bus Drivers, Plate Raises, Face Pulls
Strength (25 min): Hypertrophy, Hold For Shoulder/Back, Static Abs 5-6 rounds
Fitness: Bench/Press 5×5, Oppositional 8-12, Legs Only Broken Table :20/side, 1:00 Plank
Performance: Bench/Press 40-60% x 7-12, Opposition 8-12, Broken Table :30/side, 1:00 Plank
Sport: Bench/Press 40-60% x 7-12, Oppositional 8-12, Bar Hang :30, 1:00 Side Plank
Conditioning (25 min):
1) 7 min on the min
:00s, 10-15 KB swings, 3-5 goblet squats *Scale Up OH Swings
:30s, 2 KB deadlifts, 10 situps *Scale Up hold medball overhead or on chest
2) Rest 1 min
3) 7 min AMRAP
10 reverse lunges (5/leg) *Scale Up hold KB
15 air squats
25 b-stance glute bridges
50 single unders *Scale up 20 doubles
Friday, Sept 15, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Relay Race or Dynamic–have fun with it!
Strength (25 min): Skill (Reset), Lunge, Slow Hinge, Cardio 5-7 rounds
Fitness: Deadlift 5×5, Wreckbag Lunge 5-8/side, 20 pullthroughs, 1-1:30 cardio
Performance: Deadlift 50-70% x 5, Plate Lunge (5-15) 5-8/side, 20 pullthroughs, 1-1:30 cardio
Sport: Deadlift 50-70% x 5, Overhead (15-25) Lunge 5-8/side, 20 pullthroughs, 1-1:30 cardio
Conditioning (25 min): 20 min AMRAP
Fitness:1 min bike. 20 glute bridges,:20 plank, 15 swings
Performance::45 row/bike, 20 russian twists (10/side),10 pushups, 15 swings
Sport: 200m run, 20 weighted russian twists (10/side), 10 hand-release pushups, 15 OH swings
Saturday, Sept 16, 2033 Conditioner TBD