Monday, October 2, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Leg Blast: 3 rounds of :20 air squats, :30 glute bridges, :20 rest
Strength (25 min): Volume Work in 5 Rounds, add 5-10 lbs from last week if reps were crisp
Lift: Squat 50-60% for sets of 5-9 reps (25-45 reps in 20 min)
5×5 warmup set then 4×5 at current work weight
Push: Prowler Walk (180/90)
Joint2: Banded Goodmornings, 12-15 reps
Power: Russian KB Swings. 15-20 reps
Conditioning (25 min): Tabatter UP!
1) 6 rounds, all rounds of movement done before moving to next
Fitness: Airdyne or Row, Glute Bridges. Ball Slams
Performance: Airdyne or Row, Single Leg Glute Bridges (alt leg each round), Ball Slams
Sport: Burpees, Situps, Ball Slams
2) 2 min rest and equip return/exchange
3) 3 rounds
1:00 jumprope practice or cardio
1:00 plank (as much as you can out of the min), scale up w/10-25 lb plate on back
Tuesday, October 3, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Conga Line,1 dynamic movement down turf then 10 ring rows or pushups
Strength (25 min): Volume Work in 5 Rounds, add 5-10 lbs from last week if reps were crisp
Lift: Squat or Hip Thrust 50-60% for sets of 5-9 reps (25-45 reps in 20 min)
*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Joint: Sled Drag One Length (180/90)
Power: Russian KB Swings. 15-20 reps
Calisthenics: 10 Flutter Kicks/Side and/or 20 Seal Jacks
Conditioning (25 min): 20 min work
1:30 cardio (bike/row/run 400)
20 OH swings or 30 glute bridges
10 box jumps or 15 ball slams
10 pullups or 15 db rows
10 goblets or 15 air squats
Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 2-3 rounds 10 underhand pullaparts, PVC OH Presses, :20 row OR 10 ring rows
Strength (25 min): Volume Work in 5 Rounds, add 5-10 lbs from last week if reps were crisp
Lift: Bench/Press/Push 50-60% for sets of 5-9 reps (25-45 reps in 20 min)
Oppositional Lift: DB Floor or Overhead Press, 10-15 reps
Upper Back: One Arm DB Row from Hang Pos, 12-15/side
Cardio: :30-1:00 steady
Conditioning (25 min): 8 rounds Alternating Tabata
Fitness: Ball Slams, Single Leg Glute Bridges, Air Squats, Plank
Performance: Ball Slams, Swings, Goblets, Plank
Sport: Wallballs, OH KB Swings, Empty Bar/Light Front Squats (45-65/33-53), Side Plank
Thursday, October 5, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 3 rounds :15-:30 Wall Sit, 7-12 ring rows, 10-15 glute bridges
Strength (25 min): Volume Work in 5 Rounds, add 2-5 lbs from last week if reps were crisp
Lift: Press/Push/Bench Press 50-60% for sets of 5-9 reps (25-45 reps in 20 min)
*5×5 warmup set then 4×5 at current work weight
Opposing Assistance: DB Press or Floor Press, 8-12 reps
Joint: 20 Band Pullaparts, underhand grip
Rotation/Abs: Russian Twists, unweighted or light weight kb 10/side
Conditioning (25 min): 4 rounds/16 min work
Barbell (95-135/65-95) or DB Row, 8-12 reps
150-200m row or 1:15 bike
60 Single Unders, 20 Double Unders, or Practice rope for :30-:40
12-15 Box Jumps or Med-Ball Box Stepups (14-20/10-14)
Friday, October 6, 2023
Warmup (5 min): Fast Dynamic
Strength (25 min): Volume Work in 4 Rounds, add 5-10 lbs from last week if desired
Lift: Deadlift 50-60% for sets of 6-9 reps (24-36 reps in 15 min)
Power: Box Jumps or Ball Slams, 10-15 each
Calisthenic: Jumping Jacks & Seal Jacks 10-15 each (scale up :30 jumprope)
Ab Work: Crunches, 10 reps (scale up add 5-15 lb plate)
Conditioning (30 min): Big Time Alternating Tabata–8 rounds
Fitness: Swings, Broken Tables, Air Squats, Plank
Performance: Swings, Pushups, Air Squats, Plank/Side Plank
Sport: OH Swings, Hand Release Pushups, Air Squats, Abmat Situps
*At end of each two full rounds, :30-:40 jumprope practice, :20-:30 rest
Saturday, October 7, 2023
Conditioning (30 min): Grace Prep–3 rounds of 3 min work, 1 min rest
Fitness: 10 DB Floor Press or Push Press, 15 kb swings, 15 glute bridges, 10 air squats
Performance: 10 DB or BB Push Press, 15 kb swings, 10 wallballs, 15 situps
Sport: 10 Barbell Push Press, 15 OH KB Swings, 10 box jumps/tall stepups, 15 situps