LG Workouts Week of 100823

Monday October 9, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 4×10 Swings, Squats, Situps, Glute Bridges

Strength (30 min): Volume Work in 5 Rounds, add 5-10 lbs from last week if reps were crisp
Lift: Squat 50-60% for sets of 5-9 reps (25-45 reps in 20 min)
5×5 warmup set then 4×5 at current work weight
Upper Back: 10-15 Ring Rows w/2 sec hold at top
Joint2: Banded Goodmornings, 12-15 reps
Cardio: Battle Ropes :20-:30 one drill, :20-:30 second

Conditioning (25 min): 16 min AMRAP
:90 hard cardio *Scale Up 200m run
16 Plate Ground to Chest *Scale Up 16 Plate Ground to Overhead
16 Double DB Rows *Scale Up Renegade Rows (8/side)
:30 plank *Scale up side plank

Tuesday, October 10, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Leg Blast: 3 rounds of :20 air squats, :30 glute bridges, :20 rest

Strength (25 min): Volume Work in 5 Rounds, add 5-10 lbs from last week if reps were crisp
Lift: Squat 50-60% for sets of 5-9 reps (25-45 reps in 20 min)
5×5 warmup set then 4×5 at current work weight
Push: Prowler Walk (180/90)
Joint2: Banded Goodmornings, 12-15 reps
Power: Russian KB Swings. 15-20 reps

Conditioning (25 min): “Michael Corleone”: 15 min accumulation
Fitness: 12 goblets, 12 glute bridges, 15 swings, 15 double DB rows, 2:00 cardio
Performance: 15 ball slams, 25 kb swings, 800m run, 12 ring rows
Sport: 15 wallballs, 15 box jumps, 800m run, 3-5 pullups

Wed, October 11, 2023

Warmup (5 min): Med Ball Underhand Tosses w.Partner or Two

Skill & Sweat (15 min): Work towards heavy set of 3 on clean or 5 on bb row (note #)
3 cleans or 5 BB rows (add a little weight each round)
Lock Big 3 set of 12 each position
:20-:30 plank (change plates)

Strength (20 min): 4 rounds
Volume Work in 4 Rounds, add 2-5 lbs from last week if reps were crisp
Lift: Bench/Press/Push 50-60% for sets of 5-9 reps (20-40 reps in 20 min)
5×5 warmup then 3×5 at current work weight
Assistance: Overhead DB Press or DB Floor Press (choose opposite from your main lift) x 7-10
Abs: Landmine Wipers, 6-10/side

Conditioning (20 min): 5 rounds of
:20 hang clean@80% earlier # (form should be maintained) OR heavier KB Swing, :10 rest
:20 plank or situps, :10 rest
:40 swings or single leg glute bridges, :20 rest

Thursday, October 12, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 2-3 rounds 10 underhand pullaparts, PVC OH Presses, :20 row OR 10 ring rows

Strength (25 min): Volume Work in 5 Rounds, add 5-10 lbs from last week if reps were crisp
Lift: Bench/Press/Push 50-60% for sets of 5-9 reps (25-45 reps in 20 min)
Oppositional Lift: DB Floor or Overhead Press, 10-15 reps
Upper Back: One Arm DB Row from Hang Pos, 12-15/side
Cardio: :30-1:00 steady

Conditioning (25 min): 15 min AMRAP
Fitness 5 pushups, 10 db rows, 15 squats, :30 bike/row
Performance 5 box jumps/stepups,10 pushups, 15 squats, :20 fast singles
Sport: 5 pullups, 10 pushups, 15 squats, 20 fast singles
Notes: 5 min chalk to go over the levels and notes, then setup:

Friday, October 13, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 2-3 rounds
Light farmer’s (65/45) one arm down…can also use KB
8-12 light one arm swings/side
:20 plank or side plank…not enough to get tired but enough to practice brace

Strength (25 min): 20 min EMOM
Lift: Deadlift up 5-10 lbs from last week and single every min on min for 20 or double every 2 min for 20.
*5×5 warmup set and then spaced out 4×5
Power: 10-15 light swings
Cardio: 1 min cardio: 30 sec on two different options
Hips/Knees: Under the Fence, 5-8/side

Conditioning (25 min): 4 rounds
Box Jumps/Stepups :40, :20 rest
Hard Row or Bike :40, :20 rest
Easy mix of KB Swings and Goblets, 40, :20 rest
Plank (Scale up Plank w/shoulder taps), 40, :20 rest

Saturday, October 14, 2023-9 AM conditioner TBD

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