Monday, July 10, 2023
Warmup (5 min): Coach-Led PVC Work
1-2 x10 PVC Passthroughs/Dislocates, Around the World, Back or Front Squats
Strength (30 min): Squat Heavy, Bracing, Easy Cardio: 6 rounds
Squat progression 5×5 or 50, 60, 70 % x 5, 80% x 4, 85 % x 3-4, 90% x 2-3
Fitness: Squat, 10 Slams, Slow Broken Table 6/side, 1-1:15 easy cardio
Performance: Squat, 15 Swings, Plank :30, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Sport: Squat, 12-15 OH Swings, Plank :30 w/plate on back, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Conditioning (25 min): Light Gone Bad
3 rounds of 1 minute stations (1 min rest btw rounds)
Slam (20-30/10-15) or Wallballs (20/14)
KB Swings (35-53/20-35)
Plank or Side Plank
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Warmup (10 min): 2-3 x 10 Swings, Glutes, Slams, Air Squats
Strength (25 min): 6 rounds–Squat or Hip Thrust
Squat progression 5×5 or 50, 60, 70 % x 5, 80% x 4, 85 % x 3-4, 90% x 2-3
Fitness: Squat, 10 Slams, Slow Broken Table 6/side, 1-1:15 easy cardio
Performance: Squat, 15 Swings, Plank :30, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Sport: Squat, 12-15 OH Swings, Plank :30 w/plate on back, 1-1:30 easy cardio
Conditioning (20 min): Max Effort Prowler
Heavy Prowler Push
10-15 crunches or weighted situps
:30-:45 jumprope to practice footwork or doubles
Wednesday, July 12, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Med Ball Tosses
Grab partner or two, do 5-8 tosses each variation: btw legs, chest pass, side toss
*Perform 30 PVC floor press OR PVC overhead press (can be done at once or in sets of 10)
Strength (25 min): Speed, Hollow Work, Hard Cardio–5-7 rounds
Fitness: Bench/Press 5×5, Stepups 5/side, Plank :30, :30/:30 Row hard/steady
Performance: Bench/Press 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 box jumps, Hollow Hold :30, :30/:30 bike hard/steady
Sport: Bench/Press 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 box jumps, Hollow Rock :30, Hill Sprint
Conditioning (25 min): Tabata 100
1) Three Rounds Alternating Tabata
Fitness: Crunches, Ball Slams, Plank, Jumping Jacks/Flutter Kicks
Performance: Situps, KB Swings, Plank, Single Unders
Sport: Butterfly Situps, OH KB Swings, Side Plank, Single or Double Unders
2) Complete 100 reps total of:
Air squats, glute bridges, kb swings, pushups (choose how many of each)
3) Three Rounds Alternating Tabata
Fitness: Crunches, Ball Slams, Plank, Jumping Jacks/Flutter Kicks
Performance: Situps, KB Swings, Plank, Single Unders
Sport: Butterfly Situps, OH KB Swings, Side Plank, Single or Double Unders
Thursday, July 13, 2023
Warmup (10 min): Carry two objects (total of two objects should be 50-150 lbs) up & down the turf–two separate attempts then Perform 30 PVC floor press OR PVC overhead press (can be done at once or in sets of 10)
Strength (25 min): Speed, Hollow Work, Hard Cardio 5-6 rounds
Fitness: Bench/Press 5×5, Stepups 5/side, Plank :30, :30 Row Sprint
Performance: Bench/Press 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 box jumps, Hollow Hold :30, :30 bike sprint
Sport: Bench/Press 40-60% x 3-5 then 10 box jumps, Hollow Rock :30, Hill Sprint
Conditioning (25 min):
1) 7 min on the min
:00s, 4-7 ball slams, 5 goblet squats
:30s, 2 deadlifts @40-50%, 10 situps or crunches
2 min rest/equipment change
2) Long Island/Super Bowl 3
7 min on the min
:00s, 5 goblet squats, 1 pushup, 6 kb swings
:30s, 16 single unders (throw in some dubs if you have them), 7 glute bridges
Friday, July 14, 2023
Warmup (10 min): EMOM 6
:15 plank, :10 crunches, :20 jumprope
Strength & Conditioning Circuit (40 min): 5-8 rounds
Lift:5×5 Deadlift OR Romanian Deadlift sets of 6-8 (suggested % 20-30% deadlift max to start)
Assistance: Single Leg Glute Bridge, 7-12/side *Scale Up 15-35 lbs
Power: Ball Slams or Wallballs, set of 10Bracing/Abs: Wall Sit :20-:40, practice brace during sit
Cardio: 1-1:30 EASY pace (nasal breathing, abs relaxed after brace)
Carry: Outdoor 200m, one arm KB or DB
Challenge (10 min):
1) 2:00 Max Plank Hold (get as much of the 2 min as possible)
2) Max Air Squats in 1:00 (sub ball slams)
Saturday, July 15, 2023
20 min Chelsea Hotel
20 min on the min
4 burpees
5 squats (even min) or 5 situps (odd min)
6 kb swings
7 single unders